
Kickstart My Heart


06-18-2013, 10:49 AM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2013, 10:50 AM by Ryker.)

The boy ran with his tiny gray tipped tail waving in the air behind him. His small white lines ears were perked up as the pup seemed to frolic through the snow of winter. Now Ryker knew he shouldn't be out here right now but he couldn't stay in the den all winter right? His parents told him he had to stay in to get better. But the problem was that he wasn't; at least he didn't feel as sick before. The boy just had an annoying persistent cold. With a small sneeze as he ran, Ryker stopped in his tracks before looking around o see if anyone or anything heard it.

With a shirt the young make continued to romp around the area until his little nose cleared up a but that let him smell something. Wolves! He smelt more wolves! Maybe they would want to play with him! Ryker knew he had his brother and sister to play with but he wanted to look for some other wolves to play with too. Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each settled on two figures not too far from where he was. With a small yip of delight he took off as his white ties paws brought him closer and closer.

The closer he got the more he could see the wolves! There was a white wolf and a pup like him! How fun this would all be! Maybe they were going to play! Maybe he could join in! Ryker slowed down to a wal as he neared the two wolves. He looked back and forth between the pup and the white wolf. Remembering his manners that his father taught him the boy spoke up.

"Hello, my name is Ryker, Ryker Tsarev." he said before giving each kf them a cute friendly smile.

His tiny dark gray tipped tail wagged behind him as he looked up at the older wolf. Then he looked at the wolf near his age. Hopefully they would want to play...
