
Silver Bullet to the Heart


06-18-2013, 11:45 AM

Her eyebrows rose in surprise at the news of such a female. She hadn't met anyone in that type of mood in..lord, it had been forever. Aeil knew that when her month of heat came closer to the end, it would drive her crazy and she would need the presence of a male. However, for now, she allowed the bashful side of her personality show in the middle stage. "Was she in heat as well? Or was it just how she normally acted?" The curiousity that rose in her mind couldn't help but have her ask. At Sema's comment on Ala being strange, she giggled. "It can appear that way sometimes, but it really depends on where you go around Alacritis. Some of the places are completely relaxed and others have no presence of wolves at's just...serene."
Aeil couldn't help but wag her tail at the idea of how the North looked. Most of the places there were without wolves and that made the finds more remarkable. Sometimes, it felt as if you were the first one to discover such a sight. Her mind moved from there to imagining a pack without males around. It seemed impossible, but only to her. "Artemis?" she softly asked. "I am oblivious to such as her...What is she like, Sema?" Aeil took a few steps to her right and looked to see if Sema would follow. She figured that if they kept moving, there would be a better chance for the two to explore the land.
