
Stupid and Forgetful!


09-04-2016, 06:45 PM
Zeuca walked slowly along the Fontamo Bay with Swift on his shoulder as usual. His tail swished gently as he padded along the sand. This was a strange place, he had never seen anything like it before. He sniffed the air softly before continuing to move forward. He stopped for a moment and sniffed the sand before lifting his head to talk to his friend.

"Hey Swift, what is this weird stuff called?"

Swift, the robin which sat on his shoulder simply gave a soft sigh. He had answered this question many times before, but he couldn't remember, it was actually rather annoying.

"Sand Zeuca, it's sand. How many times do I have to tell you?"

Zeuca lowered his ears slightly and then sat himself down. He stayed silent for a few minutes, not saying anything until he slowly directed his gaze towards Swift.

"Well I forget. Sorry"

Swift shook his head gently, before looking back towards him.

"Don't be, it isn't your fault you got such a terrible memory. After all, just remember how long it took to remember my name......oh, wait, you can't."

The two laughed a little before looking towards the sea. It was quiet for the moment. Zeuca knew Swift wasn't being mean or anything, it was true, he did have a terrible memory, and he hated it. It made situations quite awkward for him. He always had to wonder whether he had met somebody before or not, or whether he was having a conversation he had already.