
Quelt x Bright Moon pups



5 Years
09-04-2016, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 07:38 AM by Jackson.)

Name: Blue Moon Rivers
Gender: Male
Design: Mixture of premade (the table) and own design

Most would say he seems to be a perfect balance between his mother and his father and that his markings easily give away who his parents would be. Starting with his overall coat color it is a mix between black and silver, the mix being about 70/30 with black being the most dominant.  Also from his mother he has partly inherited the markings of a silver fox. His ears, lower legs, and his tail are entirely black the difference is that three of his paws are covered in the dark slate blue like his father. His second marking he gained from his father would be a creamy light slate blue muzzle tip that in most light looks white. Lastly the third marking he gained from his father is four black stripes on his back. His eyes also take after his father, but instead of being bi-colored like his father they are both of one color. His left eye is a brilliant ruby red while his right eye is a bright blue color.

He will grow tall his adult height being 38 inches, but the boy will be built with lean muscles that will cling tight to his bones. He will be stronger then he really appear and have an even balance of height and lightness to make him fast and pack a punch when he attacks. His weight may bounce around a bit, but he will eventually stay around 140 lbs. He will also seek to do his best at keeping in shape and will trained so that when needed he will be able to defeat anything that crosses his path. He will specialize in both fighting and hunting. Taking skills from both parents that he will find that he adores and can throw himself into.

Subject to change depending on interactions while growing up
Born to two rather socially awkward wolves the boy will easily rub off of them. He starts off quiet and observant and like his father he refrains from letting anyone in. Bottling up emotions that expose the rawness of himself he will try to show an exterior of a mysterious warrior. He will be paranoid and cautious of unfamiliar faces, new pack members, and of course anything that may look threatening. Somewhat distrustful at first, but he will not be near as hard as his father when it comes to earning his trust. This will also lean towards some anxiety especially when it comes to crowds.

Getting past his wall you will find that he is a slightly different person. To start he is a gentleman with a bit of southern charm. He is the type that will put others before him and to treat the women like they are queens. This comes from looking up to his mother with her high position within the pack. He will learn that all women must be treated with respect and that they come before yourself. He will not view them as superior compared to males, but he will know they need to be treated well. He will also grow protective and that will start once his fight training starts. He will discover his passion to be sure his pack and family are protected from harm and he will also get a bit of taste from the uncontrollable anger his father has, but he finds a vent in either fighting or hunting.

Rp Sample:
Scrawny tail wagged rapidly as his bi colored eyes looked to the bright entrance of the den. He could hear his father outside and the boy yearned to spend some time with him. Without hesitation he galloped out of the den into the bright daylight before stopping to look for his father. He had to squint while his eyes adjusted to the much brighter lighting. Eyes scanned but he didn't see the multicolored form of his father. The boy then grew a little weary when his father wasn't in sight. His demeanor shifted, tail handing loose against his rump and his ears lightly pinned to his skull. He wasn't sure what to do now, but he wasn't ready to return to the dark den with his mother. So the boy moved forward, slinking across the earth like a stalking feline. Eyes, which were now adjusted to the light, scanned around him as he moved. He was going to look for his father in hopes that he could spend some time with him and explore the world a little bit.

"talking" || 'thinking'

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[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]