
Don't be afraid to slip and fall



9 Years
09-05-2016, 03:52 AM

He watched Riv, eyes scanning over the injured young man as he sat himself up straight, and Xeph noticed the wince of pain as he did so. It seemed Rivaxorus was trying to find the words to say, to be honest but not harsh in his choice of words. Gray-tinted ears perked forward, listening with growing apprehension as Riv spoke, his brows furrowing. Perhaps it was too soon to ask the young man what he intended to do after everything that had gone down. But his answer was an honest and open one, which Xephyris would always appreciate. He nodded to Riv with understanding, glad for the offer of help; even if Riv wasn't sure yet whether or not he could do this, at least he had his previous Alpha's support. It meant a lot to him, especially when Riv mentioned that he wished he could have held onto Myriad and passed it on to him.

He never would have known he'd make a good candidate for that, but it was good to know he truly had made the impression he'd always intended. He was a hard worker and he put his all into everything he did; finally he had been recognized for his efforts, and it was a glorious feeling. He was sure he could make this work, and he had supporters one way or another. "Understood," he said with a nod, silver eyes blinking slowly, thoughtfully, "When you are well again, let me know what you were able to talk to your wife about. For now, focus on your recovery. I will be traveling a bit, but I will return to the South intermittently to check on things. Is there anything else I can do for you right now?" He wasn't sure what he could offer at the moment, as it seemed Riv just needed to rest, eat, and keep up his strength. Xeph would be sure to come by again with fresh prey, in case the rest of the former Myriad wolves had scattered.

"Talk" "You" Think
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