
Crash and BURN

Mercy I


5 Years

09-05-2016, 11:50 PM

As she dropped towards the earth, she caught the surprised look on Avalon's face. She grinned, but she could feel her adrenaline starting to wear out. She knew that she needed to bring this to an end. But as she reared up to latch onto her face once more, she got nothing but a mouthful of fur and a little bit of blood. Letting out a growl, she spat out the clump of black and white fur. Well well, she was a slippery little snake, was she not? Avalon was getting good at staying away from her strong jaws, but as was Mercy. Because her teeth had not been able to hang on to the loose fur and fat, Mercy quickly retucked her chin towards her chest, no longer wanting to risk exposing her throat. Her lips curled upwards to bunch the loose skin around her eyes and her lips, protecting them further. This moved her out of the way of Avalon's impending bite, but she didn't leave completely unscathed this time. Avalon's top teeth skimmed over the left side of her muzzle, leaving moderate lacerations about an inch upwards from her nose. The alpha did not get the hold that she was aiming for, but at least she actually got her this time. The skin was thin there, and her opponents teeth cut in deeper than Mercy desired. Blood flowed freely from her top jaw, and she was lucky that Avalon's teeth hadn't met the even thinner part of her bottom lip. Because of her wrinkled lips, the laceration was not in a straight line, but would be rather crooked and spotty when she relaxed. It hurt to keep her lips curled, but Mercy used the pain to fuel her on. This was all she needed to keep going, the stinging of her open wound only making her want to bite harder.

Mercy blinked her purple eyes when Avalon returned her left front limb to the ground, leaving only her right forelimb in the air. Mercy's own left leg draped across her front right leg as Avalon's said arm managed to wrap around her neck, her wrist folding across Avalon's right elbow. (confirmed with Dragon that this is where her arm landed) The white dame could feel the pressure that the slightly taller woman was applying, but she was about to fight back. Her grounded hind limbs remained so, spread equally apart and her knees bent slightly. Her tail remained tucked into her chest, and she aimed to keep herself in a solid position. Her back toes spread as her claws dug into the earth, her eyes still narrowed and her hackles still raised. Pale ears remained firmly against her skull, trying to keep her head as aligned with her spine as possible. Her core muscles were tense to keep her upright position, all her muscles straining to stop her from falling. Quickly, Mercy shifted her weight to her own left side, pushing against the pressure that Avalon was applying. She attempted to pull her own left limb towards her left, hoping to push back into Avalon and tip her over. The mutlicoloured females chest pressed into the top of her own chest, nearly at her neck. Since they were so close, there was no bruising at all. The white female could feel that her opponent was trying to push her to the ground, but she wouldn't have it. Rolling her shoulders forward, she parted her jaws and twisted her head towards her own right, once more hoping to bite into Avalon. Her top jaw aimed for the left side of Avalon's neck, close to the leftmost side and about an inch down from her would be captors jaws. Her bottom jaw aimed about three inches across from her top, more close to the very center of the woman's neck. Mercy wanted to gain a solid grip there, hopefully aiding the smaller woman in pushing Avalon towards her (Mercy's) left. At the same time, Mercy's front right leg once again aimed to wrap around her opponent's neck, right where it met her shoulders. With her own weight shifted towards her left and hopefully pushing against Avalon, she wished to topple the woman over and into the tree that was still nearby, also to Mercy's left. Maybe she would even smash her head on the trunk and just pass out.

MERCY vs AVALON for MAIM (scarring of left shoulder)
Round 3 of 3



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.