
Love is not a choice

Mercy I


5 Years

09-06-2016, 12:11 AM

Mercy did an internal happy dance when her teeth locked into the giant's left cheek, very close to her silver eyes. Aiming to keep this bite, the pale woman tried to chomp down harder and furiously shake her head back and forth, her aim was to tear deeper into the skin and do as much damage as possible. It wasn't the exact spot that she wanted, but she would take it. Her front limbs were also successful in wrapping around Amachi's own front legs, holding Mercy more securely in place. There was one downfall to all of this though, because Mercy did not let go of her achieved bite, there was no dodging the giant's jaws this time. The pale woman felt a sharp sting when her opponents teeth latched on the left side of her face. Amachi's top jaw got a purchase just shy of her left ear, slightly towards her forehead, while her lower jaw bit below her left ear, more towards her cheek. She was lucky that she didn't pierce the sensitive appendage, moderate wounds forming on either side of her ear. Blood dripped down the side of Mercy's face, staining her white coat with bright crimson. Without much else left locked in this upper body battle, the smaller woman focused on keeping herself up on her hind limbs. Her weight spread evenly against her two grounded back limbs, knees bending ever so slightly as her tail flagged out parallel against the ground, aiding in her balance. Her back toes spread as her claws dug into the earth, Mercy's shoulders rolled forward and hoped to at least apply a bit of pressure into Amachi's chest. Her ears were pinned flat against her skull, one trapped inside her opponents mouth, and her purple eyes were narrowed. All of her muscles were taunt in keeping her upwards, her hackles still raised and her head trying to align with her spine as best as she could. There was no hope in tucking her chin into her chest, but she tried it nonetheless, trying to keep herself as compact and protected as she could.

Round 3 of 3


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.