
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:19 AM by Yin.)

Yang had always told her to control her anger, to try and be more approachable to others of their kind, but she just couldn't find the ability to do so. In her mind, everyone and anyone was a threat. She really had no reason to view the rest of the world like this, but she was bitter. Their family had been taken from them, drowned and starved with a drought and a flood. Her family had done absolutely nothing to deserve such a fate and yet they no longer walked the earth. Yin's family had been everything to her but now she didn't have them. She only had Yang, her last connection to her now dead family. So yes, maybe her resent towards the rest of the world wasn't fair, but she didn't think she could feel any other way. Maybe she could change her way of thinking later on, maybe not. Only time would tell.

Seeing as though he wasn't about to pose any kind of threat anytime soon, the ivory she-wolf relaxed, but just slightly. Lips curled back over dentures, hiding them from sight once again, muscles loosening, their tenseness fading away. Unable to become fully relaxed around this man, she remained standing, though her body posture didn't scream hostile so loudly. She watched him with mismatched eyes as he scratched his muzzle before bringing his paw down, drawing a line in the sand. She followed the movement with her eyes. Was he giving her space? She glanced back up at him, head cocked to the side in curiosity as his head been not to long ago, wondering why he'd done that. But she didn't have time to linger on his actions because he was speaking again, saying that he'd just asked some questions and there was no need for her to ite his head off. Right then she felt kind of stupid for her irrational behavior, but she couldn't help it. That was just the way she was, especially when her brother wasn't around. I'm sorry. I don't...really know how to be around others without my brother. she rumbled quietly, a spot of color catching her attention. Blood. He was bleeding. The ruby liquid oozed from an injury across the bridge of his muzzle. Unlike a fresh wound, this one had the smell of infection. How long had he been sporting that injury?

To be honest...I did get separated from my sister...I have no idea where she is, or whether she is alive or dead. Forgetting about his injury for a moment, she realized that he didn't correct her. So the other scent did belong to his sister. Traveling pair of siblings, just like her and her brother. Sharing something in common with a stranger was...interesting. And then she noticed something strange as she watched his fa?ade; moisture. There was moisture gathering at the corners of his eyes, but he blinked it away quickly, making her wonder if she'd really seen that. Could it be that he needed his sister to function just as much as she needed Yang to function? A new feeling began to stir in her chest, one apart from the ache of not being with her brother, one she'd never felt before. Compassion. Oh. I'm...I'm sorry you got separated. I know how it feels to be separated from your other half. She was starting to make some kind of progress right? She'd chilled out a bit and was having a somewhat normal conversation with this man who's name she didn't even know yet. A step in the right direction?

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