
Lost in the constellations



6 Years

09-08-2016, 12:01 AM

As soon as the words left her lips, she watched the change take place in Xephyris, and an odd feeling bloomed in her chest. It was because of a few simple words, something that took her no thought had made him so happy. His tail moved across the sand and she couldn't help but beam back at him, his mood was infectious. She chuckled as he turned to her and told her just how smart she was. Feeling bashful, she tucked her chin downwards and batted her lashes at him. "Oh you know... I try," she said in a soft voice. It was odd to her that this had never came to his mind before, he had been so oriented within the pack that she would have thought that it would have crossed his mind sooner. "You would be a fine leader, Xephyris. And it makes sense, you were very well liked within Myriad. If I was able to see that, then it must be tenfold. I have no idea how you make one of those pack things but... I know you can do it," Jae leaned down and brushed her nose against his ear, before she stood up and adjusted the scarf around his neck, fixing it so that it hung properly across his neck and back. When she was happy with her work, she leaned back and nodded her head, before backing up and giving him some room. She could see something burning within his silver blue eyes, and she knew that something had awoken in him. Finding a new found affection for him building up in her chest, she nodded her head towards the waves and started to walk. She ran her bell clad tail under his chin before making her way to the waters edge, walking on the damp sand where the tide constantly ran up and down her toes. Looking over her shoulder to make sure he was following her, she set a slow pace as she walked through the waves.

He had asked her to help, but Xeph knew that she wasn't a fan of the whole structure of being stuck in one place and having a single wolf to follow. Jaelle didn't like being contained, or really following someone elses rules. She let out a sigh, but peeked back up at her silver knight. He had done so much for her, it was about time that she repaid his kindness. "You're lucky that you're so cute," she grumbled playfully, a smile taking over her features once more. "I will help you, and I would stop by a lot. I'd miss your big grumpy butt by my side," She said with giggle, turning back and looking at the sand in front of her paws. "What would you want to do anyways? With a pack I mean. I really don't know much about them, the troupe was set up so differently. I'm not quite sure how I can help, to be honest." Shrugging her shoulders, she kept her brown and blue eyes looking ahead.

ooc;// Sorry this is so short!

Art by Fox

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.