
broken-hearted lovers

Finch I


4 Years

09-09-2016, 11:06 PM

He tilted his head towards her, telling her to try him. She took a deep breath, looking down at Civetta as she settled on her paw. Her little feathered friend just ruffled herself, not saying anything. From the way that he was looking at her, it was hard to say no. He seemed like he was really interested on what he had to share, but still she hesitated. Just how much of her past did she want to share with someone that she hardly knew? It could be a dangerous thing, she was the daughter of an alpha and he the nephew. They both had connections to people in power, and it wouldn't be hard for him to twist her words to his advantage. Tiburtius didn't really strike her as a man that would do such a thing, but it wouldn't be the first time that Finch would be fooled by a pretty face. It was a risky thing to do, and she would be putting a lot of faith in someone who was pretty much a stranger to her. She thought back to the first time that they met, on this very hill atop fall after fall. He had shown concern for her when she slipped, and urged her on with his gentle tones. The look and the jump forward to grab her was not something that could be faked, it had been an instinct for him to try and save her. Looking back up and searching his face, Finch let out a heavy sigh. "Qui va niente ..." she whispered under her breath.

Steeling herself as best she could, which was hard for the tender hearted girl, she took in big breath in and readied herself. "Well... It's hard to know where to start. Having an alpha for a father was hard, but what made it worse was that our mother was never around. Dad tried the best that he could, but... it was hard for him to balance us all I think. Dealing with an absent mate, and trying to raise five pups wasn't easy. But we had each other. It grew more difficult when it came to girl stuff... Dad wasn't too good at that. There are just some things that only a mother knows," she paused, blinking her bright blue eyes to hide the tears that gathered there. Sniffing loudly, she went on, pushing passed it quickly. If she stopped now, she wouldn't finish. "I was even more shy as a pup, I hardly went out at all and stuck close to the den. I went with my dad on a trip to see our family, but it was horrid. I didn't speak to anyone and I just sat there... I came back with an even worse stutter and I was even more jumpy. But then I tried to be brave, and it took awhile but I finally went off on my own. I ran into a bad storm though and got lost, when this nice lady found me. At least... I thought she was nice," Finch paused for awhile, looking down at Civetta who nuzzled into her paw. "She led me around, and when I started showing signs of a cold she gave me this herb, and then led me into the caves. That's when it all got wonky, and it's still hard to remember exactly what happened. Starling told me that my shoulder was all bitten and I was convulsing, apparently it was something that I ate. I don't know if it was what the spotted wolf gave me or not... there is really no solid proof of it since I blacked out. My brothers bird found me, Civetta had gotten lost in the storm as well. I was really sick for awhile... it took quite a long time for the dreams and hallicinations to wear off. I didn't leave the pack lands for quite some time after that..." She felt her friend shudder on her paw, and she leaned down to give her a gentle lick.

Huffing, she turned back up to Tib, she wasn't done just yet. "After that my mother showed up in the middle of the meeting, let's just say it didn't go well... I... I saw her and snapped. I had never been so angry before. But she slunk off and we haven't seen her since. As much as I am still angry with her for leaving us like that... I miss her. I miss her all the time, Tib. I want to be able to have girl talk with her and just... well have a mother. Me and my sister were never very close, but we have started to talk more now. But it's just not the same. And now my dad...." she broke off there, biting her lip and peering up at Tiburtius. She shouldn't be sharing the state of the Abaven alpha, not with a wolf from another pack. "He's tired, is all." Finch finished off lamely. It wouldn't be right to talk about him in that matter. She was pretty sure that Tib would never use it against her, but it still didn't feel right. It wasn't really something that wolves outside Abaven should know.

Taking an even longer pause, she shuffled on her paws before peeking up at Tib through her lashes. "Are ya going to run away now?" she asked in a soft voice, mostly kidding.