
Crown Of Thorns



7 Years
09-09-2016, 11:26 PM

She still hadn't fully gotten back into the swing of things since returning from her trip, and since her brother scolded her at the meeting for not tossing up a training she knew that she needed to get on that. She was just still so tired, they had pushed it on the way back to Fiori. All she wanted to do was curl up beside Athena after all that time apart, but duty called. Amalia had always been an early riser, so as the sun started to drift into the den she was up. Carefully peeling herself away from her larger mate, she placed a kiss on her forehead before wandering out to her herb den. The summer had been very dry, and a lot of the herbs that needed a more wet environment had already died. She frowned as she eyed her stocks, and knew that she needed to fill up on a lot of things. Letting out a sigh, she headed towards the Sunset falls first. The river that bled into the falls was deep enough that it hadn't dried up too much, so the water was still flowing. It was there that she hoped to find most of her damper loving herbs. Yawning, she stopped to stretch her legs before heading off at a leisurely walk.

On her way to one of the lower pools, she spotted the sunny orange of her brothers coat, only this boy was much smaller. Her dark blue eyes narrowed when she realized that it was Lionel, which brought a joyful smile to her face. Abandoning the task of plant hunting for now, she made a beeline for her nephew. As she grew closer, she saw that he was working with a birds nest, weaving flowers into it to make a pretty little crown. Her smile only grew at this, and she stopped at his side. "What have you got there?" she asked suddenly, her smile taking on more of a mischievous look to it. Was he hard enough at work that she was able to sneak up on him? She hoped so, it was fun to play with the yearlings! It didn't make her feel old, which is why she had sat on her brothers tail in their spring meeting. Letting out a soft giggle, she aimed to place a big, sloppy kiss on the top of his head, before trying to flop her smaller body on top of his. Her bottom legs kicked to the side as her front legs just skimmed the terrain, her elbows just by his ribs. Her little bunny tail wagged behind her, another laugh bubbling up from her throat.

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