
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 03:07 PM
Hansel shook his head, his wound irritated him as it began to sting again. He noticed she had stopped growling at him, but her posture was still somewhat defensive. Well, Can't expect her to let her guard down right off the bat. Even I'm still wary of her, who knows what'll tick her off! His thoughts ran through his head as he tried to figure her out. She missed her brother like he missed his sister. That much he knew. But if she couldn't be without, then why did she come here alone? Surely her brother would come looking for her, or maybe she would choose to return to her brother if she thought he'd be hostile to her. Even though his job was to kill, he'd never kill in cold blood. Unlike most assassin's, he had a heart...sometimes. Though his personality seemed the total opposite of what an assassin's should be. He had noticed that she watched him draw a line in the sand, a slight confused look crossed her features as she didn't know what to make of it.

"It's understandable, still kinda learning how to be without my sister. But it's hard...seeing as how we are always together. She's all I have in this world, we don't know what to do without each other."He shook his head again, this damn cut was really starting to bother him again. He found himself on the ground now, pawing at his muzzle with both paws as he tried to relieve the burning pain that sat under his skin, taunting him. He wondered if this she-wolf would see it as a sign of weakness and take the opportunity to attack him. But the way she was now compared to earlier, he knew she wouldn't do that. From his experience, only cold blooded creatures would do that. Whining escaped him as he tore at his injury, the stinging...make it stop! It infuriated and pained him at the same time, and the curled his senses, blinding his nostrils. Blood spilled onto his tongue, this was not the metallic taste that usually poured, no. It was a foul taste, riddled with dirt and grit and indeed the curse of infection. He could feel it boiling inside him.

Hansel felt vulnerable, and in front of a stranger even more so. When the stinging and burning subsided, he remained on the ground for a moment before standing. His pride fading the more he realized he needed Gretel. Shaking his head once more, he sat with extended forepaws. Glancing at this white dame, he realized he had not yet known her name."I know our meeting was kinda...sudden and impaled with hostility, but what's your name? I'm Hansel."He added quickly, wondering if she'd feel more comfortable if he introduced himself first.