
bruised but not broken

Mercy I


5 Years

09-10-2016, 04:24 PM

She walked away from the fight with Avalon's blood splattered on her mouth and chest, a wide grin on her chest. Mercy wasn't unscathed though, she too was bleeding and more than a little bruised. It wasn't too bad though, it was mostly her face that was cut open and bleeding still. Dragging her tired paws, her adrenaline was starting to wear off from her battle. She thought about seeking out Lykos, but it probably wasn't the best idea. She had just maimed Ivalice's alpha, if she lingered much longer she had no doubt that someone would come after her and try to tear into her. Well, bring it! She wasn't even that injured, she could still take on someone else. Smirking, she let out a large sigh and walked into a large forest, very unlike the one she had just left. Slowing down her pace now that she was clear of Ivalice's borders, she stopped to itch her aching paw. Ugh, all she wanted to do was crawl into a cold river and soak for awhile. Tipping her head upwards, she took a deep breath of air. Mmm, didn't smell like there was any water here. Tsking her tongue, she got up and walked slowly around the looming trees that slowly got further and further apart.

The pale woman, now stained with crimson, needed to stop and catch her breath for a bit. Leaning against one of the redwoods, her tongue flopped out of her mouth as she started to pant lightly. Ever so slowly her front limbs stretched out until her belly hit the earth, and she let out a sigh as the cool ground touched her belly. It was a huge relieve, and felt amazing on her sore muscles. It wouldn't last long though, with the sun still pouring heat across her back. While it was still cooler here then down south, the sun wasn't powerless. Resting her head on her front legs, her back ones turned to the side as she rested on her hip. Yawning, her purple eyes narrowed as she kept her body alert and ready. She wasn't far off from Ivalice, close enough that someone could easily track her down. Mercy wasn't fond of being startled, so her ears twitched at every sound she heard. As much as she longed a nap, it wasn't safe enough here. After a small rest, she would find a shallow stream and just lay in it. Maybe that would be a better place to take a nap. It was warm enough that she wouldn't catch a cold.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.