
bruised but not broken



5 Years
09-10-2016, 05:38 PM

Kharnage had about had it with being a good boy and staying within the borders. So far all it'd gotten him was a very boring healer meeting and not much else. Not that he'd been completely good, but he supposed better than wandering off and being a lazy little asshole that he typically was. Granted he'd already encouraged a pup to leave the pack borders, like they weren't supposed to do, but he didn't rightly care. He'd already figured out that the world was a cruel place and if you didn't thrive you died and it was as simple as that. Pups weren't excluded from that rule.

He slunk away from Ivalice. Overall he wasn't in a bad mood, but he was sick and tired of confining himself to the pack territories. There was nothing to do, no one was actually teaching him, and his mentor was a goddamn joke. The male hadn't even called for him once to start any training and Kharnage had all but given up on the members of Ivalice. They were all worthless in his opinion and he was getting sick of waiting around. If no one was going to teach him there then he was going to find someone who would.

He hadn't wandered far from his den when he came to the borders. the scent of blood was quite dominant here and he could smell the blood of his mother and a stranger. The woman's scent was also scattered around the territory but it wasn't quite as fresh. Had his mother fought someone? Curiosity got the better of him and instantly he was off to follow the trail of the stranger. He was honestly a bit sad he'd missed the fight. Who had won? He absolutely had to find out now.

The female hadn't gone very far, though she'd managed to go a farther distance than he'd expected. Her scent was stronger among these trees and he'd stare at them. They were sparser than the ones at home, but that was all the inspecting he did. He hadn't come out here for the scenery.

He quieted his steps now as he slowed. He wasn't trying to be completely stealthy, but he didn't want the female to possibly run off before he got a look at her. He could smell her and her blood more strongly now. He came around a few more trees and then suddenly there she was. She was large, about as large as his mother from what he could tell, though it was hard to tell since she was laying down. Her white pelt was stained with blood and despite possibly being tired she seemed very alert.

"So who won the fight?" He questioned her curiously, not caring about introductions. Caution was to the wind and instead he'd stare at her inquisitively from a safe distance. If she'd attacked his mother he didn't want to be in the same boat, but he sure as hell wanted to know more about her and how her fight had went.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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