
bruised but not broken



5 Years
09-10-2016, 06:40 PM

She'd risen from a seated position which proved his theory that she'd at least been alert. He'd stare at the blood coated wolf and he couldn't help but wonder who's blood coated her fur more: his mother's or her own? He'd stand still as she looked him over and she was rather quick to respond to his question. He would have relaxed if it hadn't been for the answer she gave him. He felt his muscles stiffen as she mentioned that his mother had tried to claim her. He felt a growl bubbling within his chest. What the hell was wrong with his mother? First she made Lykos heir, took an idiot for a mate and had kids with him, and now she was trying to force claim wolves into her pack?

"I'm glad you scarred her then. Maybe she'll think twice before trying to fuck up someone's life by taking them a prisoner." He growled in an irritated tone. He almost didn't recognize who his own mother was anymore. Ever since she'd created Ivalice she'd changed and so far he didn't like it.

He would have asked her what she had done, but then he remembered her scent all over the territory and he thought better of it. Maybe that was it? Even if he'd wanted to ask, she started talking again. She mentioned Imperium and his ears would prick forward. So she'd been in the old pack as well? She mentioned Lykos and he tried to hide the disgust that grew on his face, but he failed miserably at that. His lip ended curling up as he thought about his larger brother. She tried guessing at his name and his mood lightened slightly. She'd gotten it wrong. "I'm Kharnage. Dragon is the lighter brown one." He told her. "So what did Lykos say about me?" He asked her as he sat down. "Nothing good I presume."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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