
Breaking Me Down



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-10-2016, 08:36 PM

"Breaking Me Down"

She couldn't take it anymore. Had she done everything wrong? Was Mercy right? Lykos hated her, and she felt in her heart of hearts that her other kids did too. She had tried so hard to be the best parent she could be, to give them a life that they deserved. And still, it didn't seem like it was enough. It was never enough! No matter how hard she tried, no matter how much she was never enough. She felt like her entire being was shattering, breaking her down until there was nothing left. So she ran.

Tanaraq followed her, staying above to keep an eye on the injured and bloodstained alpha. She said nothing, knowing there was nothing she could say that would help her brokenhearted friend. As Avalon ran, her shoulder began to bleed again as her legs pushed her farther away from the territory. Maybe...maybe they would be better off without her. They didn't listen to her, didn't respect they probably wouldn't even notice that she was gone. They probably wouldn't even care about the bloodstained snow that littered the territory. Instead of running to Vereux, she had run away. She didn't want anyone to see her like this, a straight up failure.

By the time her breath began to run out and her body aching and throbbing, night had fallen. And she was in a place that she'd never visited before. And still, her legs pulled her up an incline until she wound up at the top. A field of flowers and a starry night greeting her, but she was far from awed at the sight. Her breath came out in ragged gasps, legs shaking and heart pounding painfully against her chest. A trail of blood and tears left in her wake.

When she finally came to a stop, she felt like she might collapse. Her throat tight as her gaze stayed fixed ahead. The ground up ahead seemed to end, so the woman would slowly walk forward until her paws kissed the edge of the earth. Below her, rocks and water clashed together in a dull explosion of sound. Dull amber gaze stared at the sight below, the wind lightly buffeting her fur. She felt defeated. She felt older then she'd ever felt before. This pain felt worse then what she had received as a was breaking her apart.

Slowly, her gaze would follow the sight of Tanaraq as the white falcon soared higher. The stars seemed...closer here. The moon bigger, it's shine casting a surreal glow over her and the lands. She felt that she could touch the sky, a single leap could do it...right? Tears began to fall again, dropping until they became swallowed up by the sea. Silently, she wept. And no matter how badly she wanted to scream, she simply couldn't. would be better if she was gone. Ivalice would probably be better off in someone else's hands...she had tried so hard...and she felt like everything was turning against her. Keeping her gaze on the sky, she just had to take one...more...step...


Talk like this "Tanaraq"


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