
just let go



06-18-2013, 03:39 PM

The girl continued to nonchalantly observe him, seemingly lost in her own thoughts at the same time. Killian lapped up a bit more water while waiting patiently for her reply, but none came to his remark. A more serious look crossed her features as she inquired about his paw. He shrugged and smiled. I can't feel anything, so I'd have to say it's much better. He paused, turning his gaze back out over the stream toward the pines beyond. This day had taken a drastic turn in a direction he hadn't expected and had initially frustrated him beyond words, but he was feeling content now. He was truly grateful for Alessa's help and he needed her to know that. Thank you for everything you did today, he said in a soft voice.

He hadn't relied on the help of another since he left his pack. His sister had always been his protector and his savior back then, but her attitude had clearly changed when he was punished for defending her. His eyes narrowed momentarily at the thought. She would get what was coming to her - karma was a bitch. Killian only hoped he would be there to see it. He turned back to Alessa, his head tilted slightly to the side, his tail swaying gently back and forth on the ground. Where did you come here from? His thoughts about his former pack had helped form the question in his mind. He wondered if she had experienced a past anything like his, but he doubted it. Most families didn't disown their children.