
Breaking Me Down



7 Years

09-11-2016, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 01:21 AM by Evelyn.)

She just whispered bis name, and he saw the pain in her eyes. In the depths of his anger, his heart broke for her. It was clear that something horrible had happened, but he smelled nothing through the mixture of their packs and blood. All he got as a reply was a stuttered out letter, and he growled softly. He needed to know what the hell was going on here. When he told the bird to go get moss, they came back without fighting him, dropping bundles of it beside Avalon. The falcon sounded like a she, so he settled on that for now. "Can someone tell me what the fuck happened here? Avalon you look like you've been through hell and back..." His voice still carried his rage, but a hint of his concern bubbled up to the surface. Looking between her companion and her broken face, he waited for answers. Grumbling multiple curse words under his breath, he bent the front half of his body and grabbed the moss, pressing it firmly against her bleeding shoulder. He knew shit about healing, and he was tempted to call for one of his kids. Looking back at the falcon beside them, and idea came to mind. "You, I know that you probably don't want to leave Avalon, but she needs help. I am going to howl for my daughter, Finch. Listen for her returning howl, and go to her. I saw her before I left, she can give you some herbs and tell you what to do. Because I don't like flowers and shit. Then bring whatever she brings you back. Got it?" He was all in full blown alpha mode, but part of his fatherly side was showing. He wasn't just going to leave his friend here like this. Quickly tipping back his head, he called out for Finch, asking where she was. He fell silent until he heard her return call, concern clear in her answering howl. Letting out a huff, he lowered his head and looked back at hia battered friend.

Without even checking to see if she left, Bass turned back to Avalon. Giving her a long look, he realized that she wasn't getting up any time soon. With a grunt he stepped away from her, leaning down and taking her scruff in a more gentle manner. Taking no risks, he attempted to drag her a few feet away from the edge of the cliff. You know, just in case she tried to roll off or something. Going back to grab the moss, he laid down at her sidd and pressed the moss firmly against her with his two front paws, laying in an almost L with her. Sighing, he felt his anger starting to simmer down. "Talk to me, and I will listen," he said softly, looking at her dull, almost lifeless eyes. Bass couldn't look any longer, this wasn't the woman he met on his borders. This was far from the nervous, excited new alpha who had greeted him so kindly. What on earth happened that she suddenly wanted to just walk off a cliff? She had a family, and a pack! It must have been something bad to break a wolf this hard.

"Talk" "You" Think