
Caerul,Alsander, and Claire Progeny on the rise!


09-11-2016, 02:49 AM
Name: Fortune
Alignment: true neutral
Appearance Description: If death rides a pale horse, then adventure rides a pale horse (wolf?) with socks. If there's one thing that Fortune allows herself to even consider being vain about, it's those damn socks. The life of an adventurer is a muddy one, but she finds herself licking at and washing at them more than really anything else. Only mildly obsessive, but everyone has their quirks. Overall the creature is an ashen gray, darker along the topline, lighter at the feet and striping up her face. Pretty, but the standard kind of pretty you see in a lot of girls these days.

The thing that sets her apart? There's something wild in her eyes. That and the eyes themselves. Both are ringed in a brilliant violet, and they'd be eye catching for that alone. The starbursts inside, though, they're absolutely radiant. The left green, the right yellow, both gorgeous.

Her father's... well... fatherness makes an appearance in other ways as well. The rakish tone and the grin that goes with it, the long fur that fringes their tails, even the prevailing scent of spring water and fresh moss. Granted, with Fortune, it's something that holds a little more of a summer sparkle. She's a prideful mover, head high, fur thick and glossy. The thick build of a hunter, but her weight is a bit too low to be as good at it as her mother. Not enough power, not enough muscle. Not yet. She stands 35" at the shoulder, and hasn't made an effort to fill out yet so she tops out at around 130 pounds.

Personality Description: Fortune is a bit of an odd duck. The only girl in her litter, she had to stand out, right? Things get weird. Things have always been weird with Fortune. Fortune favors the brave, fortune doesn't favor fools, all the cliche things that sounded good at a distance-- she took that in. It was beautiful. All things bright and beautiful, and she's both. Well, she's all of the above.

She's brave. There's something about her that's positively lionhearted, and that's as much a blessing as it is a curse. A go anywhere, do anything type. Fortune favors the brave, and she'll never turn down an adventure. Adventuring buddies are the absolute best she could ask for, and she wouldn't trade them for anything. Adventure, variety, everything like that is the spice of life. She's burning bright like that. Everything about her is here to soak up light and be absolutely fantastic-- why wouldn't you hold someone like that close? Why would you hold them back? Why would you take that away? She's everything strong and filled with sunshine. That's the bravery in her heart and the burning in her soul.

Fortune doesn't favor fools. She's a smart girl. This is a young woman that knows and loves all the things that will make her better-- self improvement is the goal. Fortune is smart, and only wants to get smarter. There's something endearing about it, her hunger. It's a thirst, no, a starvation for it. A low tolerance for stupidity comes with that. It can hurt her interaction with other people, honestly. She tries, but her face gives her away. Expressive doesn't always work to her advantage.

Right now, Fortune is living selfishly. Can't turn down a dare, can't stay attached to anyone for too long. It's the way of the young, it's the way of the beautiful. Daring and darling, Fortune is willing to be both. She's always been both. Carefree is dangerous. Really though, she's done a lot of putting her own interests first. It's healthier for her. When you're young, you gotta live for yourself. She understands that family is important, but she also understands that family can be dangerous. Love them, but get under your skin. Right.
Plans: Affiliate with the Celestial pack but maybe not take an active role right away, she wants to explore! That, and eternally bother the crap out of her brothers.
Roleplay Sample:
Overland and over sea, Fortune makes her way back home. There's something that calls her back here, something inside that calls her name. She's bright and beautiful. Those are the best things to be, and those are the things that'll get you far. Days like this make her stop and wonder what the coming ones will bring. A fresh spring wind kicks up, carrying the scent of what could have been the Celestial pack... it's not so different from her own. It's not so different from that of her father, right? She was coming back to the place that had been home before she was a twinkle in dear old dad's eye. What happened if they didn't know who she was? What happened if they didn't want her?

She shoved that uncertainty down. Today wasn't the time for that. Squaring her shoulders and taking off full tilt. Ripping a bandaid off. Going in head first. There was only one life, and she couldn't afford to not live it. Who'd dare go down that road? Fortune pushed off with her hind legs, slicing through the dawn light. Today was the day. The phrase tumbled over and over in her head as she ran. It wasn't until she saw a figure silhouetted against the darkness that she stopped, chest heaving softly. One bark. That was all. A singular sound pulled breathily from the chest. Friendly. Tail wagging. Fortune found herself wondering if this was it. Was she really home?