
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:21 AM by Yin.)

It's understandable, still kinda learning how to be without my sister. But it's hard...seeing as how we are always together. She's all I have in this world, we don't know what to do without each other. So he too needed his sibling to function. It was kind of pathetic at times, to think that she couldn't go for very long separated from her brother without snapping. She was an adult now, not the young yearling from a few years ago that always wanted to tag along with her brother if her parents separated her from him would have a fit. She was sufficiently grown enough to be on her own, but she didn't want to be. He was her only family, the only one she had left in the world and she couldn't bare the thought of loosing him. She couldn't loose him, not him too. That would be too much. I know how you feel. Yang is here in this new place with me. I've only been away from him for a couple of hours but I already feel the insistent need to return to his side. She sighed quietly to herself, wishing her brother was beside her before the man before her caught her attention once again.

He was shaking his head, as if something was bothering him, as he lowered himself to the ground, swiping at his muzzle with both paws. His injury. Yin watched him with furrowed brows as he swiped at his muzzle, as if trying to relieve himself. She could only imagine how he felt with that cut on his nose. She was sure the salty atmosphere wasn't making things any better. A pained whine tore from his blood-stained jaws as the ruby liquid began to ooze from the wound, slipping down his jaws to coat the inside of them. He wrestled with it some more before it apparently calmed enough for it to be bearable, the man able to bring himself back to his paws. She would've helped, but she had no clue as to what herbs were good for what, so she was pretty much useless. She could take him to some fresh water ponds she'd spotted closer to the rock pillars, but helping others wasn't something she usually did so she kept her jaws shut, audits pricking forward as he spoke again, introducing himself as Hansel. A bow of acknowledgement was presented to Hansel before she introduced herself. I...I um, apologize for that again. But it is...nice to meet you Hansel. My name is Yin. Another successful answer. Was it possible she could be able to be around others without wanting to tear into them?

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