
You will remember me



4 Years
09-11-2016, 09:21 AM

Naudir would keep silent, her eerie blue eyes focused and intent, her ears listening sharply and taking in everything from body language to the words and their tone. This was a rare treat. The opportunity to watch her mother in the art of leadership. The art of justice. She marveled at her mothers strength and steadfastness. The aura of authority and command that seemed to emanate around her was truly something to behold. How could anyone resist her commands? Naudir's gaze shifted to Avalon as the Ivalice alpha spoke, stating she would not stand in the way of justice. Good. As she asked how Katja intended to punish Vereux, Naudir's gaze would shift to her mother as she was equally curious what fate would befall the traitor. She knew it would be brutal. Traitors were the lowest. Maggots with no honor skulking about in the muck.

She couldn't help but grin as her mother spoke, brushing the other woman's speech aside. This meeting was more about sending a message than negotiation. It was a reminder Yfir's strength. That they were not to be trifled with and while the forces of the gods and of nature herself might move them no wolf or wolfpack ever would. Katja would glance to Naudir and she would meet her mother's gaze, her front paws shifting just slightly. I am listening mother. I am learning. Yfir was very different from these other packs, harder, stronger and more spiritually rich. They were an oak tree tall and strong while these others bent and twisted to avoid conflict and battle, they weren't weak or shallow in their oaths like this Vereux and she was certain he deserved whatever his mother would met out. Katja stated the punishment. His good eye would be taken to leave him fully blind. Naudir nodded softly. It seemed fitting. He was so blind to what he had and blind to the promise he'd made, so willing to break it and abandon those that had cared for him as soon as he felt inconvenienced. As soon as another oppotunity presented itself. Katja demanded Avalon call him there.

…and Avalon refused. Naudir blinked a bit in surprise. Maybe this woman had a strong backbone after all. There were not many that had the gall to deny her mother anything. Though what could be the alphess' reasons? Her eyes narrowed. Surely a washed up, crippled traitor was of no value to Ivalice? Why would she keep him? Defend him? Also… why would Vereux betray them for Ivalice? The gears in her head were turning rapidly as the pieces fell into place. He held a high rank in Ivalice. That had to be it. Higher than the one he held in Yfir and so he abandoned them to move up in rank and that made him of value to Ivalice and Avalon. If he were a mere pawn, a simple hunter surely she would not have hesitated to hand him over.

There was another piece as well she noted. Both women were trying to avoid showing any weakness. This was a battle of wills and verbal dominance. A showing of strength as a leader. Avalon stated he'd show no ill will or spilled any information but they had only the word of a foreign alphess that this was not the case and it held no guarantee he'd hold his tongue in the future. Of course he might readily spill everything after he received his punishment but the message would be said clear and strong. Still though… did Avalon miss that key part of Katja's statement? Any who kept Vereux from them would share in his punishment… she glanced to her mother.
