
I'm A Songbird With A Brand New Track



4 Years
Extra large
09-11-2016, 11:17 AM

Karabela could understand wandering aimlessly. She'd done the same when she'd been separated from her family and from Imperium. Just going wherever her feet would take her. She let the world move her where it would while her mind took the time it needed to take stock of her new situation. She wondered if the man was in a similar situation and her thoughts drifted to her siblings, to Sabre and Falx. She hoped they were well wherever they were but she sincerely doubted she would ever see them again.

Karabela wished there was a way she could help this man. She could offer to help him look she supposed or to at least keep an eye out while she wandered herself. The man introduced himself as Tonrar Qilaq. "Nice to meet you Tonrar!" She started heading toward the cabin, her long, dexterous limbs carrying her up the rocky mountain side with practice. All that time spent in Fenrir's Maw was beginning to pay off. "You know, Tonrar, if you want I'll try to keep an eye out for Una as I wander. If I see her I'll be sure to let her know you're looking for her. Do you you have a place you usually go back to that I could direct her towards?" If he didn't this would be tricky. She wondered if he'd be interested in staying with her for awhile or even joining her pack.

Reaching the ground the cabin rested upon she went up to sniff at the decaying wooden sides and the strange holes in it that reflected the sunlight off a surface she could see through but not pass through. Standing on her hind legs she peered in to see an odd assortment of objects laying inside. "This must be a human den… a really old one." She didn't know of any other creatures that created such structures and this most certainly was not the work of nature. "Say Tonrar, do you intend to remain a nomad or… have you ever thought of settling down? Having a homebase of sorts?"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king