
Break Free! [Ivory Ridge Meeting]



4 Years
Extra large
09-11-2016, 01:48 PM

Karabela shifted lightly on her paws, tail waving languidly behind as she waited.  She was excited.  She was nervous.  Would anyone come and what would they think of her ambition and her ability to rule?  Well, one thing was for certain, either way she was going to prove herself worthy of the title Chieftan.  She was bound to make mistakes, bound to slip, but Raba was the type to get back on her feet.  She had a goal now and she wasn't going to let the world knock her down for long.  Qualm was the first to arrive and she grinned at her former and soon-to-be-again pack mate.  "Hey Qualm!  It's good to see you."  She glanced down at her injury then back to the man. "Actually, yea if you could that'd be great.  I probably shouldn't let these things go like I used to if there's no need."  Besides it would give her a chance to personally assess some of his healing skills and even if they were small yet with his ambition and work ethic he'd excel quickly.  She hoped he would stay on as a healer.

The next arrival was unexpected.  He was an older wolf, pale as a ghost and small in stature accompanied by a rat.  Karabela dipped her head in greeting and a show of welcome.  To her surprise it was the rat that spoke, introducing herself as Tally and the man as Nia… the man was deaf.  Raba's ears twitched and she thought for a moment but then she slowly shook her head, making sure to speak clearly.  She did not know if he could read lips though she hoped her relaxed and open body language conveyed enough that she didn't have a problem with it. "That is fine, I won't turn him away for that disability as long as it doesn't impair his ability to navigate about Fenrir's Maw.  Please, let me know if there is anything Nia requires in respect to communication." She had never really interacted with a deaf man before but his presence would be welcome if he had skills to offer to the pack and the act of communicating with him would be a good learning experience for her and the other members.  It would keep them sharp and alert.

A small pup cloaked in a golden creme would follow closely at Qualm's heels and she would raise a brow to Qualm, certain that he would explain in time.  The pup seemed hungry from the way she was eyeing that rat. "Qualm, who might this young lady be?  She looks hungry.  I have the remnants of a mountain goat stashed away until we bring down fresh game."

Karabela resisted the urge to tease Qualm as a yearling with a striking coat of brown and blue arrived to sit next to him.  Had he gone on an adoption spree?  Although perhaps the young pup actually was his.  She never thought to ask. "Hello there!" she called to the woman, indulging in a bit of small talk before she was ready to start the meeting.

The last to arrive was Tonrar and Karabela's grin grew wider to see the man.  "Hello Tonrar, it's good to see you!"  She would have to ask him about his sister later and see if there was any way she could further aid him in uniting them.  She waited awhile longer but it seemed this would be it. It was a small start but she had a few who were in the wings waiting and considering her offer.  She knew Váli was interested though there were feelings with Abaven to sort out which she could understand.  Karabela was still trying to convince her cousin, Birna, to join for at least a short while.  It was so crazy to her to think she'd had family so close to her this whole time and while the stern old warrior didn't show it much she sensed the other felt the same.  Then there was her niece Dagmær… named after her mother…. and that… Karabela closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.  That was a whole other carcass that she didn't feel like picking at just yet.  It tainted the image of her brother and the girl was like a constant walking reminder of her mother.  So much joy.  So much pain.

Karabela's golden eyes gazed out at the wolves gathered and she smiled.  Ok, she wasn't all that great at speeches but she'd get better with practice.  Standing strong she called the first meeting of Ivory Ridge to order. "Thank you everyone for answering my call.  For those of you who don't know me my name is Karabela Thyre.  I'm an explorer and a fighter with the ambition to start a pack called Ivory Ridge.  I've wandered all over Boreas and it is here in Fenrir's Maw that I wish to start this pack.  It may seem foolish to pick so treacherous a landscape but I assure you there are treasures to be found here if you've the courage and will to look for them.  This terrain will also keep you alert to your surroundings and aware of the world around you.  I don't want to see Ivory Ridge grow stagnant or complacent and our relationship and respect of this world that cares for us is of upmost importance."  

She gazed out into the faces of her small crowd, meeting each wolves' eyes in turn. "You see, I'm interested in the arts of trade and discovery.  Trade will be an important part of our lives and so the resources the good earth provides us to work with will be the key to our success and our forsaking of these will be our downfall.  Living here is meant to be hard but it will make you stronger, smarter, more adaptable.  After living here most of the terrain in Boreas will be a cakewalk to maneuver.  I'll warn you, I believe in tough love and I can and will be as harsh as the mountains we call our home if it is in the best interest of the pack."

"I don't mind that we're a small group, that suits me actually.  I want us all to get to know each other and to forge bonds that will unite us and keep us strong.  We should look out for each other and the pack's well-being as a whole should always come before an individual.  Apart we can be great but together we'll be legendary.  So, who is interested in going on this journey with me?  If you say aye then please let me know your talents and dreams.  If you desire to speak with me privately after the meeting all you need to do is ask.  Again, thank you for being here.  If Ivory Ridge does not sound a fit for you then you are free to leave."


ooc: Next deadline is September 17 at noon ala time!
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I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king