
Strike a violent pose



4 Years
09-11-2016, 05:45 PM
Ramsay paced restlessly around the territory, his lengthy legs carrying him swiftly, tall ears pressed forward as he searched for something to do. He hadn't been to any training lately, yet he was eager to do something with himself. It was getting really old just sticking around in Ivalice, waiting for somebody to tell him what to do. Besides his own siblings, he didn't really interact with anyone else. He wasn't sure he wanted to. Were any of them really worth his time? Unless they had something valuable to teach him, he wasn't really interested in getting to know them. He didn't need friends just for the sake of having friends. If he wanted someone to explore with, that's why he had brothers and sisters. Speaking of which... where were any of them today?

Usually he could find Vadim not too far away, although he wasn't sure where the boy was right now. Probably off hunting somewhere. But Ramsay didn't feel like hunting today - instead, he was feeling more edgy. Like he wanted to beat the crap out of something. He supposed killing and devouring prey might satisfy that need, but something about it didn't appeal to him right now. Really, he just wanted to prove to himself, and someone who'd remember, that he was better than them. His brothers were growing heftier than him lately, but he wasn't going to get left in the dust. He was sure he could still compare with them, even if he inherited his father's leaner physique.

So, with a hurried bounce in his gait, he half-trotted, half-galloped to the mines, figuring someone ought to be around. Lo and behold, he would find his brother, seeing the boy's larger, ashy colored frame in the distance. A deep, sharp bark left his throat as he picked up his pace toward Vadim, quickly closing the distance between the. "Hey big guy," he greeted his brother with a devious grin, "What're you pigging out on today?" He wondered if he'd get a reaction out of his brother - he wasn't sure what it was, but he was feeling a quite snippy today.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!