
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 04:55 PM
Well, nice to meet you Yin. You don't have to worry, although my job is to assassinate, I'll never kill in cold blood.
His right ear flopped with the breeze. He was an odd sight to another, not many had physical features like his. But he didn't mind,it was a part of him he liked. It made him different then most wolves, even though he got teased about didn't bother him anymore. What used to be a hated part of him, now became his best distinct quality. He looked Yin over, what were her distinctive features? For one, he noticed the coloring on her tail and her eyes. It was strange to see those markings on a wolf, and her eyes especially. As strange as it was, he had never seen a wolf with two different colored eyes. It was sad really, but he never cared much to make friends. He always tried to keep from making relationships with anyone, mostly because that wolf could end up being his next target.

Indeed,his life was a lonely one. With the exception of his sister that is. Other then that, he didn't really try to make friends. But maybe it wouldn't hurt to have at least one...he swiped his tongue over his nose, the foul taste was still there. If only Gretel were here. He silently cursed himself, sure she was the only family he had left, but he didn't have to depend on her for everything. He felt stupid, useless, like a helpless pup always needing its mother. Not that he would know what that was like...they were abandoned in the forest. Maybe that's why he grew up with a distant heart, one that refused to make connections with others. But he was changing. Slowly, but surely...or so he liked to believe. The realization came to him, sooner or later he would have to learn how to be on his own. Pulling himself from his thoughts, he focused on her. His wound throbbed, that creatures claws were as sharp as knives and must have had something on them if his wound kept pestering him like this.

Hey, do you know where we are? I'm not from here...I'm sure that's obvious.He looked out over the water, the endlessness that reached as far as the eye could see. Then returned his gaze to the dame, was she from these parts?Where's your pack, anyway?