
where my homies at

Absinthe 1

09-11-2016, 06:10 PM

The heat of an Eastern summer was something she missed from time to time, a reminder of better times. Sort of. Now, she was feeling nostalgic and very hot. A good swim in the sea was the cure for the latter, but the former had none. Her toes brushed the sandy sea floor as the islands approached. There had been a rumour that her mothers had settled on these islands for a while to raise a litter. Fiamette and her siblings, who the girl had yet to meet. She pulled herself onto the shore, salty water dripping from her sopping pelt. The blazing sun no longer felt overbearing, but pleasant. Bracing her legs in the hot sand, she shook out the heavy water from her coat.

Of course, there was no hope of finding her long gone mother here, but it would be nice to see where they had lived for so long. Not to mention, hot sand between her toes was never a bad thing. Head and tail held high, she plodded towards the foliage of the largest island in the chain. Apparently there were some exotic animals living around here, which were intriguing in themselves. She was looking forward to finding them, even if it took her a few days. The violet damsel had nowhere to be, and could take her time searching for mysterious creatures. Granted, that didn't mean she was going to be patient enough to wander this island for that long with no results. "Here, weirdos," She crooned to the forest around her. "come out, come out, wherever you are!"

The flora was delightfully vibrant. Flowers of all shapes and sizes sprouted from plants on all sides of her. Pausing in her path, she lowered her snout to a particularly large blossom. It was a pale blue colour, lightening in hue as it radiated outward from the centre. A soft aroma teased her nostrils from within the bloom, and she hummed appreciatively. "Good on you, little flower, for smelling so nice." She murmured.
