
A Business Meeting [Aerie]



4 Years

09-11-2016, 06:33 PM

Peregrine patience appeared to pay off. A few more lurkers would come forth from the woods, one of which was an absolutely beautiful fae (Score!) and a darker, vaguely familiar male who greeted her with familiarity. Peregrine wracked her brain. Most interestingly of course was that he seemed to know Ricochet. Peregrine would blink at that, but seeing them side by side showed similar features. Was this a relative, perhaps? Pere pursed her lips, telling herself she'd ask later if she remembered. It would likely surprise few to hear that Peregrine was never one to draw things out, nor was she a fan of unnecessary pomp.

She nodded at Roekia, agreeing to talk to her after this wrapped up, and smiled as she declared her intent. "I know you would make a marvelous healer for this pack, Mags." She turned her gaze to the others, raising her brows and offering a half smile. "If anyone else knows the path they would like to follow tell me now. Otherwise let me know soon, I know it's a big decision. If you don't feel like any of those paths suit you let me know, I'd be more than happy to cater to specific skill sets. I'd also like all of you to get to know the territory and the lands around us. Your new packmates, too," she added with a wink. "Also, I impose no regulations when it comes to leaving pack lands as long as you're here for meetings, ceremonies, and in the meantime are providing for the pack in whatever way you can. If anyone has anything to say, say it now. Otherwise, meeting adjourned. Any of those who wanted to speak with me personally stick around, I'll speak to you all as soon as I can." She sat and waited for the first of them to make a move.

Gods, she didn't even know all of their names. She supposed she would get to know them all in time, and only if they really wanted to stick around. No point in putting much effort in before then, but she hoped they would all seek her out at some point so she could soothe her curiosity. She was also somewhat concerned with what her friends would chose to talk to her about, but tried to keep herself from fearing the worst. After all, what was the worst that could happen? She'd bounce back, just like she always did.

"Talk" "You" Think