
I condemn Thee[May]


06-18-2013, 05:36 PM
Tavros was glad he didn't have an easy opponent, that was for sure. He was hoping she was enjoying the spar as well, blood and injury was half the fun as the scarred male's gold eyes watched her movements. He was already prepared for attacks considering he had ducked before, his throat was pretty well protected. Her speed gave her the advantage though, at least until Tavros opened his jaws, stepping back so that his timing would be better. He snapped his head forward to the front of her face, he honestly didn't care what he grabbed as long as he got some sort of grab on it even her eyeballs would be fair game to him.

The small male used her weight against her, and pulled his back paws into the ground and lifted his front paws a bit ways upwards. Tavros was experienced in fighting, his body had learned how to keep thinking even when he didn't need it. He had also recently escaped three killers after him. Yet, the odds were all up to the events he caused. He kept his balance, her teeth had snapped at his chest but he was hopping to keep a firm hold on whatever he had grabbed on her face and if he had done so.


Offense: Trying to attack her face
Defense: Back paws firmly in the ground, front paws trying to press against may
Injury: Gash in cheek, injury in his chest.