
no time to bleed



7 Years
Extra large
09-11-2016, 09:03 PM

Diarmuid's gaze was calculated as he watched the two of them. The older of the two spoke first, initially laughing at Karabela's quip, which elicited little more than a furrowed brow from him. He was in no mood for jokes, not that he tended to be the kind to joke much in the first place. His demeanor, solemn and a bit cold, seemed to brighten at her response. Actually, yes, she started, explaining she'd met some.. many years before. His dual-colored eyes still grew more vibrant and full of life; if some Xanilovs were in these lands, perhaps Valeriya's children might find somewhere safe to stay until he found them. Or perhaps these Xanilovs were long gone - maybe she even meant Valeriya, for he knew she had not been born near his homelands.

Interest sparkled in his steady stare as the younger wolf, Karabela, spoke then. Her demeanor seemed a bit more lighthearted, but the time for silliness was far behind him. She seemed to be in agreement that some Xanilovs had been near these parts, but not the ones he was looking for. A faint, hardly audible sigh fell from his lips as his tightened jaw slackened. "I'm searching for a group of young Xanilov children," he explained slowly, knowing the information wouldn't put any of them in harms way. "They may very well be traveling with a few older wolves." He'd eye them, searching for any sort of reaction from them; if they'd seen a band of yearlings traveling, hopefully they might offer him a bit of info. "I caught their scents nearby. I was traveling with them, but lost them during a storm. Been searching ever since."

How long had it been, anyway? A few weeks? Perhaps a whole season? Come to think of it, the weather had been considerably less pleasant when he'd seen them last. God, Valeriya was going to kill him, if he didn't die trying to find them first.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid