
Ro's treasures


06-18-2013, 05:50 PM
Ok so Ro(Terohime) has given me permission to put three of her wolves up for adoption. There is no why whats or buts; this reason is personal to her and has nothing to do with anything on here. But she has given Maka permission to put Ookami, Ulrike, and Tikaani up for adoption.

Read closely. Ro wants someone to play these wolves who will keep them alive until they die at the age of either 9 or 10. But here is some information on the wolves that Maka knows.

Ookami resides in the pack of Valhalla. She is mated to my char char Thane. And they have three puppies, Ryker, Ravine, and Resnera. She is kind, lighthearted and puts her pups as her first priority at this time. We had a plan to eventually have a second litter some time or another but keep that in mind if you would like to play her. She is ranked as a warrior and is faithful in her relationship with Thane.

Ookami's other information can be found in her profile here:

Ok now on to Ulrike. Maka does not know that much about him but he resides in Tortuga and I think he had a pretty decent rank but correct me if I'm wrong. He has a daughter named Xenios who is played by the awesome Shrapnel. And he is 8 years old. He's loyal to his pack and seems to be very dedicated.

More information can be found on his profile here:

Lastly we move onto Tikaani, or should Maka say Terror. Tikaani is a yearling and she has had a really tough past. it's kind of hard to explain or describe her. But she was his by a lightning bolt and it blinded her in her right eye I believe. And her mother also left her as well. But the dame finds comfort in her "sister" Chrysanthe Adravendi. Maka really doesn't know much about this character but she's interesting.

More information can be found on her profile here:

Please keep in mind that ALL WOLVES HERE are to be kept alive as best you can until they reach the age of 9 or 10. Or possibly older than that. Please keep in mind that these characters were very important to Ro and I'm sure she would want them to be played as so.

If you would like to try out for one please post down below the name of the wolf you are trying out for. Then write a roleplay sample.

And if someone doesn't believe that Maka has permission from Ro ask me for her number so that you may speak with her personally.