
bruised but not broken

Mercy I


5 Years

09-12-2016, 01:05 AM

Both her black marked brows rose at the boys speech. So, he didn't care much for his mother? Her head tilted to the side as she studied him, his growl making her ears perk towards him. What a dysfunctional family, how very easily they seemed to drift apart. How easy it was to detach from your parents and betray them, just as she did. This was just getting more and more interesting, and the exhaustion that had plagued her was starting to ebb away the more he spoke. "I already beat her once, I don't know why she thought that she could overpower me. She is a foolish woman, your mother. But do you follow in her paw steps?" Mercy asked, slowly lifting herself to her weary paws and taking a few steps towards him. Her purple gaze stayed on him with a curiosity burning in them. "You don't seem to be on the same page as the bitch that birthed you, and I wonder why...?" she asked in a soft tone. It wasn't demanding or patronizing, just... wondering. She herself had left her parents at a very young age, would this boy do the same?

Mercy laughed when she say the male reacted when she said Lykos' name, it would seem like the dislike was mutual. His face changed when she called him Dragon, correcting her and naming himself Kharnage. "Ah well, close enough," she giggled, tossing a wink his way. Kharnage sat himself down, and after taking a few more steps towards him, she too flopped to her rump. Her legs splayed to the side, and the woman licked her lips again. Damn, they were getting dry after all that yelling. She could still taste blood on her lips, and was surprised that he was so calm while she was painted in his mothers blood. Even though she wasn't close with her parents, she... well actually she didn't know if she would freak out. Hmm... interesting. Shaking her head when he spoke again, asking what Lykos had said about him. She tried to think back to the day in the barn, about what he had said. "He complained more about Dragon than you, actually," He hadn't really said much about his other brothers, other than they were stupid with the exception of one. "Seems like this goes deeper than sibling rivalry, you boys just can't get along, can you?" She said in a teasing manner. As much as she wanted to keep this up, her front limbs started to quiver. Once again she stretched out on her belly. Ahh, so much better.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.