
Chasing the sun



9 Years
09-12-2016, 02:49 AM

Panting hard, grunting in annoyance, the summer heat was too much. His thick coat was not well-adjusted to this sort of heavy, scorching heat. Though the dry grass was tall, its shade was not enough to protect him from the sun's rays, it was really no better than being straight out in the open. He would do better in the north, but right now he was still making his rounds, seeking out the individuals that had formerly belonged to Myriad. Most of them had scattered, but some of the more closely-knit former members seemed to be lingering close to the territory they'd all lived in together. Today, he had caught wind of Zephyra's scent. Even after visiting Riv, he wasn't sure if the young couple would make it through the tension and fighting that had begun to push them apart. Xephyris himself wasn't sure how he felt about it all - there had been a lot of strong words shared between all parties, and before Myriad's fall, the pack had started to become divided.

Still, he was curious and wanted to find out what this had all resulted in. So he followed the young woman's scent, until he found a trail of pressed down grass, and he knew he must be close to finding her. It wasn't long before he saw her tall, black and green form standing out against the monotonous golden-brown of the grassy plains. He barked to alert her to his presence, before picking up his pace to close most of the distance between them, parting his way through the grass to reach her. "Zephyra," he called out in a low rumble, "It's been a while. How do you fare?" There was a little bit of tension in his stance, even in his voice, but as he glanced over her and took in her scent, he could pick out Riv's scent mingled with her coat. So, the two had been together sometime recently. How interesting - he wondered what else he would find out through this encounter.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]