
bruised but not broken



5 Years
09-12-2016, 02:05 PM

He'd watch as Mercy would study him and he'd watch her back. She seemed almost ... well she definitely seemed curious by his actions. He supposed the growling was a bit much, but he didn't care. It was like someone had taken his mother and replaced her with someone new. She wasn't the Avalon he remembered from when he was a pup and he didn't like it. Was it Vereux who had changed her or had becoming an Alpha somehow gotten to her head? Or maybe it was both? It was hard to tell.

Mercy mentioning beating her once already and Kharnage wasn't very surprised. If she'd won this fight then of course she'd won the last one. His mother was pretty big, but he already knew you couldn't beat everyone. Regulus had taught him that when he'd shown him the scar he'd gotten from the tiger. He found insult creeping up as she asked him if he followed in her paw steps and he furiously shook his head.

"Not at all. She's my mother and I don't hate her, but my family seems like strangers now. She's changed so much that I barely recognize her anymore and that stupid pack... well it's full of idiots and they're all worthless."

Okay maybe he shouldn't have been complaining to a stranger but it was the first time he'd ever actually gotten to talk to anyone about it. Dragon was about his only friend in that pack and he hadn't dared say anything to him lest he get scolded or told that he needed to get over it like with the Vereux situation. Not to mention he probably would talk to mom since they were closer and he didn't want that either. So he was left without anyone to talk to.

Mercy would laugh at him when he made his dislike for Lykos evident. Well at least someone found it funny. He practically hated the male, but he supposed his other littermates were okay. He never talked to Gryphon and Dragon he liked enough at least. Did Mercy know about the younger ones yet? He felt like asking, but it didn't matter. Lykos probably complained about them too now that he thought about it.

He was more than surprised when she said Lykos complained more about Dragon than him. He rose an eyebrow at this and cocked his head. What had Lykos told her exactly? When she mentioned sibling rivalry he snorted. No he supposed it was deeper than that.

"Dragon isn't stupid, I don't think so anyways. But he's probably mad we hate him cause he's an asshole. He's stuck up and irritating to be around and walks around like he's the coolest thing in the entire world just cause Mom promoted him to heir." He paused for a moment before adding. "Which I don't see why she did anyways. The rest of us followed her to her new pack when she made it while his ass stayed behind and was going to stay in Imperium if it hadn't disbanded. Then he shows up and she makes him heir when he hadn't even been there. So she's stupid. She's not even that old... I don't see why she needs one." He didn't want it. He didn't know about Dragon or Gryphon but he would have taken either of them over Lykos any day.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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