
I'm A Songbird With A Brand New Track



5 Years
09-12-2016, 02:42 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

She seemed very enthusiastic around strangers. He was a bit more stand-offish but friendly all the same. She seemed pleased to meet him and he nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." He'd reply as he took after her. She seemed quite at home with the rocky surfaces and he found himself following after her easily. She was heading towards the strange structure and he'd stare at it as they climbed. His attention was only broken when she spoke again.

"I've been staying in the east in the mountain range if that helps any."He'd answer her. He'd meant to go back north where the climates were ones he was used to, but he'd never gotten around to it. Exploring had taken over and the mountains were vast and full of things to be discovered. He hadn't quite found it within himself to leave it all behind yet. Not to mention it was the height of summer so he had plenty of time until winter when the snows would be at their heaviest in the north.

They'd reach the cabin and he followed her. The thing seemed to be made out of trees, but it looked almost like a cave instead. It clearly hadn't grown that way considering everything seemed to be rotting away. He'd pause and watch as she peered into the thing and he'd tilt his head as she mentioned a human den. He gave her a quizical look. He had no idea what humans were, but he didn't ask. Instead she flashed him another question so he answered that instead.

"I've thought of settling down, but I haven't found a place yet. What about you?"


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]