
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:23 AM by Yin.)

Well, nice to meet you Yin. You don't have to worry, although my job is to assassinate, I'll never kill in cold blood. He was an assassin, a man who had been trained to take the life of another. Her parents had told her about wolves like those. Usually they were cold-hearted, merciless wolves who's only goal in life was to complete the next mission, to take the next head that had been branded. But he didn't look like any of those wolves that her parents had told her about. Then again, assassins didn't have a specified look that they all had. Assassins could come in all shapes in sizes. Some looked like they could be assassins and others didn't. Hansel didn't really look like one. Not that she knew what an assassin looked like, but still. I wasn't worried. Usually it's the other way around whenever others are present. she reassured him. Despite his job description, she wasn't in the least bit threatened or fearful. She could handle her own if need be.

She could feel his gaze on her, roaming her figure, studying her. She glanced away, allowing her two-toned gaze to fall on the dark water so he could feel like he could examine her without being watched. She had already taken her fill of him. He was a somewhat ordinary looking man, with a coat composing of the mixture of black and grey, with some white thrown around his muzzle, paws and tail. The only distinctive feature about him, besides his blue eyes, was his floppy right away. She wasn't sure if he'd been born like that, or he had gotten his ear like that during an assignment, but surely it was something that many were able to recognize him by. Nothing bad. Made him stand out in a good way. Being different was good. She would know with her opposite tinted tail and mismatched eyes. And then he was talking, asking her if she knew where she was and where her pack was. Did he not smell the lack of pack on her? She allowed her dual-colored eyes to fall back on him as she spoke. I would like to tell you, but I myself am not from her either, so I'm just as clueless as you are. And as far as a pack, mine died couple of years ago. My brother and I have come to his new place in search of a new pack to join. she answered quietly, onyx tail swinging gently between her hocks, audits twisting to and fro as she listened to the ocean, patiently waiting for a reply.

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