
Return of a Stranger



7 Years
Extra large
09-12-2016, 11:39 PM


Waiting and fading and floating away.

Standing at the edge of Boreas, he could feel his front toes dangerously placed half-off of the cliff as his oceanic gaze mirrored the sea below. He was a tall and out of place pillar among the stalagmites of ice that surrounded him as the makings of Cathedral point. It was an incredibly far drop, and the dark part of his thoughts wondered how long it would take his body to make contact with the freezing waters below. Of course, this was just a thought... Brutus soon stepped back from the ledge though continued to listen to the crashing sound of the waves as the higher tide rolled in.

It brought chilling winds with it, ones that made his muscles tense as it disheveled the dull edges of his fur. The peculiar happening of the rise and fall of the water seemed to directly relate to the moon's positioning in the sky, he was almost certain of it though it would take a few more nights traveling along the coast to ensure that it was not just coincidence. He did not mind traveling, in fact.. his pioneering soul found solitude in keeping his mind occupied through the means of discovery; his only regret was not waiting for Cesar before answering to the call of the wild and leaving to discover the many mysteries of the world.

And that is what compelled him to returned to Boreas, having explored here once with Cesar.. it was the last memory of the man that he held on to. Perhaps he would find his long-lost friend and sate his need for discovery as well. He wanted to know all the secrets the land had to offer, each notable point of interest to be filed away in his memory. Afterall, knowledge was power and Brutus wanted it all. If it was interesting, it had to be his.. and learning the secrets of each land would be his own way of laying claim to every turf.

Though he normally moved with a gentle, loping gait.. today with the sheer amount of ice he'd had to tread over, he forfeited his leisurely posture to one that portrayed the focus he had on his footing. He yearned to get out of the wind that rolled in off the freezing waters of the ocean and off of the slippery slopes of ice along the cliff, so slowly but surely.. he made his descent back into the lands of Northern Boreas.

cesar may enter any of brutus' threads