
Lift Me Up


09-13-2016, 12:38 PM

The man still seemed intent on apologizing and giving himself some of the blame so he wouldn't argue. Instead he'd still grin at him as he mentioned having his head in the clouds. He could relate to the feeling on more than one occasion though he had to admit he'd never tripped over anyone because of it. He supposed there was always a first for everything though and he was still young. Plenty of time to do something stupid.

The creme colored male would introduce himself as Casthiel and his head would tilt to the side. "That's funny." He grinned lightly. "I have a family member in my pack whose name is Castiel." They clearly weren't the same wolves of course, but he did find it to be a rather small world. They were both rather pale, save for the brown on this one's pelt, and yet their eyes were different. "It's a pleasure to meet you too though."

The conversation would take a turn and he'd nod in response to the male's question. "Yeah I live in a pack called Celestial closer to the western coast." It felt rather weird saying that. A part of him still couldn't believe he'd managed to find his family's pack in the first place, but it felt good to say it nonetheless. "But where are you from?" He asked curiously. He was more the intrigued that he hadn't come from this land.

Walk, "Talk" Think