
Quelt x Bright Moon pups



4 Years
09-13-2016, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2016, 08:39 PM by Ganta.)
Name: Heavy “Rain” Rivers
Gender: Male
Design: My own, made by Kat!

Link! With Silver Eyes.


Nature:: Dominant
Traits:: Blunt, Family Oriented, Loyal, Gentleman, Good Heart, Honest, Optimistic, Protective, Quick To Act, Reckless, Selfish

When one first takes a look at Rain they can see a rather selfish character. Heavy Rain is a wolf who wants what he wants and doesn’t like to share. He can be considered greedy, not one to give up what he has either earned {or taken} very easily. He will fight for it and more likely than not end up backing down only if another bests him in battle. Rain is a wolf who deeply respects physical strength more than mental ability though do not, for a moment, think that he is unintelligent. He has a sharp mind, though he could stand to do a little more thinking before acting.

While Rain is blunt he is not necessarily attempting to be rude. Put simple he is not a wolf who likes to sugar coat things; he tells it how it is. He considers this to be his best trait, being honest with others even if it may hurt them. While Rain does actually care for the feelings of others he figures that beating around the bush, lying to them, or giving them false information will only make matters worse. Rain is also a rather optimistic character, looking for the silver linings to dark situations rather than stressing about the faults, failures, and possible bad endings to things within life.

When one breaks Heavy Rain down to his core they find a wolf who, like many, is family oriented. He wants to stand by those he loves, being very loyal, but this does not mean he necessarily holds respect for just any authoritative figure. Respect is something that is earned from Rain and not just given. He does not believe that just because you rule a pack, or have a high position, that you are a wolf that is worth his time, respect, or loyalty; you must prove to him why you deserve what you’ve earned and what opinion the young man should have of you. He can be a gentleman too, though it takes him time to build up to that stage with another wolf. He truly has a good heart, even if it doesn’t always seem like it.

Heavy Rain has a protective side to him as well; coupled with his selfish nature he does not share things easily {family included!} and could very well get into a spat because of it. His nature is to guard anything he deems precious to him. The young man can also be reckless in his actions, especially since he tends to be quicker to act. Rain’s first reaction to a threat or problem is normally to try and fight it with fang and claw and if that fails figure something else out.

RP Sample::

“Why?” The young man asked in a soft tone. “You demand respect, but you’ve not yet earned it. You want trust but it has not yet been built. Do you think others are simply going to blindly follow you because you told them to? That is not how this world works.” Rain’s ears flicked back slightly as he looked to the wannabe alpha. Rain wasn’t attempting to be rude, but he felt that he was stating a fact that the loner had to accept. Wolves didn’t just fall to your feet because you wanted them to. You had to earn their loyalty, their trust, their faith. There was only one true way to do that; through showing your strength both physically and mentally.

“That said,” The young man would add, watching the loner’s irritated expression. “I’m willing to give you a chance to show me why I should consider leaving my family and following you instead. I’m not a wolf who will just leave my home for anyone you know. What do you have to offer? What skills do you possess that make you so great?” Heavy Rain was shifting into a defensive fighting stance as he went on, tail lashing back and forth. He was certain that even if this loner did best him, somehow, he wasn’t just going to follow him because of that. There was more to following someone than strength…

…and as the boy had said he wouldn’t just abandon his home in Fiori either. His family was his world. This wolf would really need to impress him, over and over, to have any chance at winning the youth away. He'd even have to show he was stronger than Leo and his parents. But Rain considered himself fair; he’d at least give the other male the chance.

I'm here without you...