
Gael Adravendi


06-18-2013, 06:16 PM
Gael Adravendi

Appearance: He's big a guy, big enough that other people notice, but he's not exactly the biggest of the bunch. He stands at 36 inches, weighing in at 130 pounds. You could almost call him a big teddy bear. He has the body of a warrior; sturdy frame, powerful legs and chest, steel-like muscle hidden beneath a deceiving pelt, masking his strength from the world. His base coat is a silver, identical to his father's, though it's dominated by multiple shades of a darker grey that mix together all along his pelt, making him look mostly grey. The dominant grey is disrupted by patches of porcelain that flare up along his chest, though not extending down towards his stomach, across the tip of his tail and toes and completely bathing his right forepaw. A subtle shade of brown that reaches the tips of his ears, surrounds his fa?ade, circling his ocean blue eyes before extending down to cover the top half of his muzzle while a lighter shade of brown, tan-ish in shade, covers his haunches. All in all, a very handsome man.

Personality: Despite being a warrior like his father, Gael doesn't bring his work home with him. When not with his family, the man is all business, often times taking charge if the one who's supposed to be in charge is lacking. He's a good man, fair in his dealings with others, always listening to both sides of the story, never making brash decisions unless knowing everything that he needs to know. He's always willing to help those in need, his big heart allowing him to do so. Even with being a warrior, he does spare some time here and there to dedicate time to learn about plants and their uses, just like his mother does. He find plants quite interesting and extremely useful in his line of work. Warriors are supposed to be a little more hardened than the average wolf, but Gael is the exception to that. He allows his feelings to guide him, though not overpower him. He loves being a soldier, but he never really wants to participate in a war, despite that being what a warrior is trained to do. If there is another method to resolving a conflict, a more peaceful one, he will always go for that option first, leaving violence as a last resort. He's the kind of guy that believes that good always triumphs over evil, no matter what. A giant teddy bear and absolute sweetheart when it comes to his family and friends, Gael hopes to one day be as a good a wolf as his father.