
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 06:37 PM
as far as a pack, mine died couple of years ago.
The words struck him like a chord. She wasn't part of a could he have missed that? Was it because it had been so long since he himself had been part of a pack? That he could no longer discern pack wolves from the loners? The thought bothered him. His whole life he had been a loner with his sister, and the few times they had tried to join a pack, there was always one pair who seemed to constantly try to run them out. They were unwanted everywhere they went. Sometimes he hated it, other times he was glad that they had the freedom to do what they wanted...but it did get lonely.

A cold breeze rolled in from behind him. This one colder then before, ruffling his fur. He stood and neared the white damsel, knowing this approach could prove to have an outcome of injuries if not fatal. He pressed his nose into her fur, a sign he often used with his sister for comfort. He knew what it was like to lose family. He just wanted her to know that this assassin had more heart then most. Recently, he thought about changing his job, but he wasn't sure. It was all he knew, yet at the same time he felt conflicted about it. Yin's scent filled the mans nostrils, infused with the stink of his rotting injury it smelled bittersweet. The wind brought upon it, a strange scent. One of which he had smelt before but couldn't remember what it was...maybe just the scents of the surrounding area, or something in the water. Nothing to worry about...right?