
burning bright



9 Years
09-14-2016, 11:25 AM

It was dark when he'd reached the ocean. Stars scattered across the sky and he couldn't imagine a time more peaceful. He knew his freedoms were going to be very limited soon. The pups were due any time now and with it he'd be sticking closer to Celestial. Not that he hadn't already done that, his wandering days were over, but he'd be even more reluctant to leave when his kids arrived. He'd be there to help feed Kavdaya and watch them when she needed to. He was getting older too. Having turned eight already he could feel it settling into his bones. His muscles would ache with overuse and there were times he felt like he had no energy at all. The sun beating down on his thick pelt hadn't helped at all either.

The night was a cool relief from the summer heat and he was thankful he'd chosen to come out now instead of the day time. His coat had never thinned like most other wolves, but it was something he'd long since gotten used to.

He hadn't smelled the stranger in the cave. He'd been trotting along the water's edge and the lapping waves had already taken away the woman's scent. So as he peered around the mouth of it to look inside he as surprised to see a dark silhouette illuminated by the moon. He'd step back a few paces, water splashing as he moved, to give her some space.

"Ah'm sorry." He apologized. "Ah didn' know anyone else was ou' here." He grinned warmly at her. He was prepared to leave if she didn't want the company, but star gazing and exploring were two things that often were fun with company so he paused to see if she'd greet him or turn him away.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]