
Ro's treasures


06-18-2013, 06:46 PM

One, two, three, all there as usual. Ookami had just woken from her nap, her eyes calm and full of happiness. Her love for Thane had brought three little fur balls, her fur balls, their fur balls into the world. There was Ryker, Ravine, Resnera and probably more later in life. But now she could focus on just them. She had just woken up from her small little nap, taking care of pups could be rather tiring from time to time, but she was willing to put in such work, they were around 6 months now after all.

Silver helps the heart, blackness never reaches the soul if you don't let it. The thought kept reoccurring in her mind, her past had been a happy one until it had happened, her parents, siblings, all dead, slaughtered by a bear. It was a past she tried not to dwell on, because she tried to be positive, upbeat, and it never seemed to wear down on her. It was the past, no one could change the past and it was bad to dwell on. She needed to look into the future, and so that is what she should do. That is what she would do. She would always do that, because it made wolves better.