
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:24 AM by Yin.)

It was strange to her that he hadn't been able to tell that she didn't belong to a pack anymore. The only other scent on her pelt belonged to her brother, but that wasn't enough to merit the conclusion of her belonging to a pack, was it? It had been several years since she and Yang had lived in a pack. She was nearing the point where remembering what it was like wasn't even worth the effort. She and her brother had been doing well on their own. In her mind, being apart of a pack again wasn't necessary. She had all she needed with Yang. It would be difficult for her to try and incorporate herself in a pack when she hadn't been a part of one for such a long time. Her brother was willing to try though, so begrudgingly so was Yin.

And then the chill breeze was sweeping over the two lupine, chasing away her thoughts with its chilly fingers. Not only did it chase away her thoughts, but it brought Hansel closer. It appeared that he was just closing the distance so that the sound of the waves wouldn't drown out their voices, but to her utter disbelief he stepped up right beside her, pressing his nose into her shoulder, just like Yang did whenever he needed to comfort her. Yin froze, a whisper of a growl slipping unnoticed through her lips as her mismatched eyes flickered to his now up close and personal frame. His touch was both unwelcomed and soothing at the same time, making it seem as if her brother was right beside her. Unable to resist it, she allowed her own nose to brush against his shoulder, her answering sign of comfort. Did he and his sister do something similar? She could taste the rotting of his injury among his pelt, mixing in with his own musky scent. But that's not what made him tense up. She pulled away from his slightly, her chest bumping his because of the position they were in now, her own nostrils flaring against the breeze, testing it. There was a new scent on it, one she had never encountered before. What was that? Did Hansel know? By the feel of his muscles, she had a feeling he might.

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