
Strike a violent pose

Vadim I


3 Years

09-15-2016, 04:39 AM

He'd been the one to turn things into becoming as physical as they were now, initiating the spar after justifying it inwardly by a necessity.. yet there was a stinging pain in his soul that came with the taste of Ramsay's blood as it speckled his teeth with those given lacerations. It was no surprise that the grip of a bite hadn't landed, because almost as soon as he could taste the blood of his brother on his tongue, his jaws lost their strength out of shock and he felt Ramsay's flesh slip across them while he simultaneously moved his head away from Vadim.

He remembered how surprisingly fragile the hen's skull had been, and he was still learning how much of his strength a wolf could take.. he was playing a dangerous game experimenting on his beloved brother. The sounds of Ramsay's snarling momentarily dulled out from his senses as the harsh realization of what they were doing hit him. This was not the blood of some hen on his tongue, it was Ramsay's.. and it was his, they were one in the same. Yet, Ramsay had threatened his growing pride.. and that... that would not stand. Vadim would not back down from a matter of pride, not even from his brother.. but he would not lose his head, either. They were strongly bonded, they were inseparable, and if anyone else were to attempt to show dominance over his brother like he was doing now? They would be dancing with a beast, because there would be no love to hold Vadim back.. only love to fuel his protective rage over family.

His ears remained flat on his head as they collided, he could feel the moderate bruising inflicted by his brother's surprising match of power spread across his chest. It had been unexpected and sent a sudden rush of adrenaline over him that nearly caused some hesitation, but Ramsay's snarling, returning to full volume in his ears, kept the thrilling event in full motion. Vadim would continue to release his own heinous growls, his hackles fully raised in dominant display as his toes indented themselves into the earth beneath the weight of his shuffling paws. The feeling of his limbs successfully wrapping around Ramsay (his left forelimb over Ramsay's shoulders and his right up underneath the base of his neck) did not go unnoticed or overlooked. Immediately, this hold was reinforced by the lower portion of his body, his hind legs moving to meet Ramsay's right hip with his left and give him more control over the position so that he would be less likely to lose it. The position had made Vadim surrender the defensive posture that he'd learn about, having his weight evenly distributed across all four paws, but he tensed the muscles of his abdomen and back to try to keep himself as solidly poised as possible. His goal ultimately was to get on top of Ramsay, to mount him.. which would be rather awkward for any onlookers, but in this moment it was to establish that the weight Ramsay picked on could be put to dangerous use, like forcing him beneath it.

His bruised chest radiated with pain as Ramsay moved his head to attempt to bite the front of Vadim's left shoulder, though due to their positioning, a solid grip would be nearly impossible for Ramsay to twist his neck and attain. However, the stinging presence of teeth scratching across the front of Vadim's own left shoulder, right where it met his chest, was certainly unpleasant to experience all the same and left moderate lacerations across it. Vadim inadvertently released a pained groan but remain focused on wanting to teach Ramsay that using him as a target for the demons that compelled his aggression did not come without consequence, Vadim had unspoken ghouls of his own behind those fiery eyes, and they could be summoned on a whim and without notice, just as his initial lunge had been.

While Ramsay's teeth grazed across his shoulder, Vadim's vibrant eyes, which currently remained protectively narrowed, kept his next chosen target in sight: Ramsay's scruff that lay so vulnerably before the open jaws that tucked down protectively on top of it and drooled into Ramsay's golden fur. They had always remained constantly agape as a lingering threat but now the axe would finally swing; Vadim's fangs aiming to land their widely parallel bite vertically over Ramsay's vertebrae and come together to pinch his flesh between them and ultimately puncture, and to do so relatively severely. This was done in hope to limit Ramsay's ability to move his skull and further attack him like he had been doing previously to his shoulder, and to further establish the control Vadim was so desperately thirsting for. The force behind his bite was not held back, as he thought of this area as safe and knew the flesh of their scruffs was loose and plentiful in their youth. He would never aim to land a bite that would fatally wound his brother, but pain? Pain was temporary, and this was necessary.

Vadim vs Ramsay - Round 2 of 3
For Dominance

Defenses: mouth open, chin tucked, hackles raised, toes spread into the dirt, abdomen tensed, eyes narrowed, ears pinned

Injuries: moderate bruising to the middle of his chest, mild lacerations at the front of his shoulder

Attacks: attempting to pull his weight on top of Ramsay with the hold that he has over Ramsay's neck, also widely biting Ramsay's scruff to collect the flesh of it and limit Ramsay's movements.

OOC; sorry... first fight on ardently, embarassed by my lack of clarity in the first post. hope this one is written better. ;3;

[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]