
Ro's treasures


06-18-2013, 07:37 PM
Ookami please:3

This will be a random sample of her with a pup. Gunna pp him all so it makes sense xD

Emerald green eyes snapped open as she felt a sharp tug on her tail. Instinctively she arose, tail flicking toward the opposite direction of the attacker as she turned to see who it was. A warm smile swept across her features as she looked down, watching her son Ryker nip at her tail. "Now now dear, biting isn't something we do while playing with others." She bent down and picked up the pup between her jaws, placing him before her paws. He was perfection, a beautiful mixture that she and Thane and created and built off love. She looked over toward her right, her other two children catching her eye. They were fast asleep, their little side's rising and falling with every precious breath they took. She sighed happily, and looked back down at Ryker. "Why aren't you asleep little one?" She questioned him. His other siblings were sound asleep, and here he was, nipping at mama's tail. "I can't sleep mama." He replied, but following his words was a little yawn. Something was keeping him awake, but what was it? "What's wrong dear?" She replied, laying back down on her stomach as she did so. Ryker came forward, nuzzling himself into the crook of her neck. "I wanna cuddle with you, not them." He whimpered as he cuddled up, preparing himself for sleep. It was obvious he wasn't going anywhere, and Ookami sighed. "Alright, you can sleep close to me. Don't tell them though, they might get jealous!" She gave him a wink as she curled up, enveloping him in her warmth.