
Break Free! [Ivory Ridge Meeting]



2 Years
09-17-2016, 08:07 AM

Rocks slid down the mountain side as Dagmær scrambled up to the location of the call.  She was late, but to be honest she'd really only come to a decision to join the pack moments before and part of her was still uncertain.  For one thing, why the hell would her aunt choose this location of all places to start a pack?  There were plenty of nice, flat hunting grounds in the East.  Why did they even have to be in the East.  She grumbled under her breath but despite herself a feeling of excitement was bubbling in her stomach, spreading a strange and foreign warmth through her limbs.  

Panting to she paused to take a break, emerald gaze turning below to stare at how far she'd come and there was a swell of pride, though brief, warming her chest.  Glancing back upward she hesitated.  Dagmær hadn't expected to run into any of her family again.  Her mother abandoned her to disease and death and her father was so uninterested in her she really doubted he cared that she was missing… if anything he probably thought she was dead to.  Considering how her family was turning out lately could she really trust this aunt?  Trust her father's sister?  Spirits, she was still young enough to hope.  She would give this a try… one more try and she just prayed that Karabela wasn't about to let her down.

Scrambling into the small meeting she quickly took her seat mid-speech.  Oh man…. she could drop dead from embarrassment. Soon it was time for them to answer. "Aunt Karabela?  I… I'd like to join.  I've been working on my skills in hunting and while I'm not very familiar with hunting in this type of terrain I can learn fast."
