
I'm A Songbird With A Brand New Track



4 Years
Extra large
09-17-2016, 07:23 PM

Karabela circled around toward the front of the cabin, her snow white paws carrying her up the steps to where a door hung halfway off it's frame. She moved cautiously. Karabela always felt uncertain around human dens, they were so strange and disconcerting and it was difficult to know if the place wouldn't just collapse on her. She was glad they were ancient history now. Her mother assured her that humans disappeared generations before and she needn't worry about them. Shame though, she really wondered what they looked like. She always imagined them to be something like featherless storks. Karabela glanced back at Tonrar as he mentioned the mountains to the east. "Is that so? That's where I've been living lately."

Sniffing the entry way for a moment she carefully stepped into the dust and junk filled cabin. Huh… leaping onto a bed she giggled a bit as it moved awkwardly up and down beneath her before coming to a stand still. Her tail twitched. What sort of springing ground was this? Lifting her forepaws she slammed them into the surface to start it moving again. "Man there are some weird things in here. What do you suppose this is Tonrar?"

She looked up at his question and grinned. "Well… yea, or I did. I joined a back but lately I've been motivated to do more with my life and I intend to form my own pack in the mountains, in Fenrir's Maw… you know… you'd be more than welcome to join if it interested you."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king