


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
09-17-2016, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2016, 04:37 AM by Shrapnel.)
Lirim is a pack that values the individuality of each of its members and is happy to allow certain freedoms that a strict pack life in other territories would not. Faite strives to make it a safe haven for wolves of all sorts and so long as each wolf pulls his or her own weight. Wolves are allowed to pursue what they like and do as they wish in their free time. Lirim encourages each member to live their life to the fullest, go on adventures, meet strangers, do something you normally would never do, and overall have fun with your life.

"Freedom lies in being bold." Robert Frost

Potential members



Pack Name: Lirim (Meaning freedom to be)
Territory: Dancefloor of the Gods & Emerald Valley
Pack Color: #77B415.
Alpha Name: Faite
Link to Alpha's Account: Click

Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

List what your intended ranks and laws will be.

Tier 1 Rank: Kaliq
Description: This is the primary alpha position. Other than tier 2, this is the only high ranking wolf you'll see. They serve under all duties and fill in where it is needed. They ensure the prosperity of the pack and keep order where it is due. While they are to be respected, they are expected to be treated more as a friend or family member than as a tyrant.

Tier 1 Rank: Kalin
Description: This is the secondary alpha position. They have the same responsibilities as the primary alpha and are also expected to be treated the same way. Both alphas are there to ensure the safety, well being, and overall happiness of the pack and to ensure its survival. While both are leaders when they need to be, they desire no excessive displays of submission and value equality. This rank can be challenged for, but the Kaliq has overall say as to whom deserves this rank.

Tier 2 Rank: Fola
Description: This is an honorary rank for those who have risen above and beyond the expectations of the rest of the pack. They've either done some honorary deed to gain the Kaliq's favor or exceeded themselves in some sort of fashion. While they have no real pull of dominance, they are to be respected. They are allowed to bring potential new members past the borders but they must still be approved by an alpha to ensure that they are the right fit for the pack. This cannot be challenged for.

Tier 2 Rank: Iliff
Description: This is the heir to the pack should one be appointed. it can be one of the Kaliq's children, a close friend, or even a trusted adviser. This rank is chosen with great care as they are expected to uphold Lirim's way of life. They may tail after the Kaliq and learn, but they have the same limited powers of the Fola. This rank can be challenged for, but the Kaliq has overall say as to whom deserves this rank.

Tier 3 Rank: Arsenio
Description: Fighters, defenders, and scouts. Each member with a more aggressive duty fits under this category. Each are charged with guarding the border, acting as a warrior in battles, training among one another, and scouting out past the territory for resources and other wolves.

Tier 3 Rank: Nova
Description: All healers of the pack as well as diplomats and emissaries.. Their skills may vary but each is important in his or her own way. Healers are expected to share their knowledge with each other and the more level-headed wolves take on the duty of seeking out other packs for trades, peaceful talks, and information about the world.

Tier 3 Rank: Theron
Description: Trackers and hunters - these wolves are very skilled with their noses, but not only for following prey. Should a wolf of interest catch Lirim's attention these wolves are expected to hunt them down and lead the pack to them. They are also expected to help keep the pack fed, though this is also made up of a joint effort by the rest of the ranks as well when it is needed.

Tier 3 Rank: Levada
Description: Any who have the calling of creativity in their mind fall into this category. Whether a wolf is a crafter, a trader, or take pride in finding shiny things, this is the rank they fall under.

Tier 4 Rank: Leif
Description: All children of the pack will be placed here until they reach a year of age.

Tier 4 Rank: Sagari
Description: A temporary rank for those who aren't permanently residing in Lirim. This is a placeholder for weary travelers and injured wolves who seek treatment.

Tier 5 Rank: Girvin
Description: This is a rank that is not given out lightly. Those who are here have either betrayed the pack in some way, failed to pull their own weight, or were taken as slaves. Each are to be treated accordingly to their crime, though outright abuse is not tolerated.


Everyone is equal. While there are leaders to keep some discipline and order in the pack, they'd rather view themselves as a close knit family. Everyone is expected to work together like one and respect each other as a fellow pack member.

Pull your own weight. Upon joining you are given one ooc week to choose a rank for your wolf. If one is not chosen you will be placed where the Kaliq needs you. If you fail to perform your duties consequences will be dished out. Further failure to actively contribute to the family will result in you being sent away from the pack lands.

You only have one life. So live it while you can. The Kaliq encourages you to explore, learn new things, and overall enjoy yourself once you've tended to your duties to the pack. The one thing the pack values the most is freedom and the Kaliq encourages you to enjoy it.

Don't put your foot in your mouth. Don't go causing trouble where trouble isn't due. Having disputes with fellow pack mates and outsiders is natural, but should you begin to cause too much trouble for the pack as a whole you will have to own up to it. If you can't take it then don't dish it out. Each member is expected to live up to the consequences of their actions whether they be good or bad.

The woes of love. The Kaliq has little care who you take as a mate or whom you have kids with. Whether they be from another pack or a loner, you are allowed to make your own decisions. Any resulting litters will be encouraged to be brought to Lirim if they aren't born in the pack, though this is not necessary.

Defend and protect. While there aren't many laws in Lirim it is expected that any wolves wishing to join or seek safe haven wait at the borders until they can be addressed. Lirim is not responsible for any injuries or deaths related to crossing over the border so you've been warned.

How do you intend to pay the gem cost? Copy/Paste the following code as is necessary.

Account Name: Name
Gems Intended to Pay: #