
Cause we're worth it


09-17-2016, 11:51 PM

Lift off this blindfold, let me see again

After the fight they had when they had finally reunited again, there was no way that Gethin was just going to sit on his ass in the South and wait for Mercy to come back. He had hung back for a little while, still not quite certain of what steps to take after the whole "love" thing, but in the end he had started to slowly follow the trail of her scent. He didn't want her to feel like he was stalking her, even though he basically was, so he took his time, pausing from time to time to sightsee or at least pretend to. It didn't help his overthinking of course, but what could you do? Mercy went a lot farther than he had expected, but he didn't stop trailing after her.

Suddenly her voice caught his attention and disrupted his rambling train of thought. He didn't think about the tired strain in her voice or how strange it was for her to be calling him like this. He just took off and ran forward toward her. He also tried not to think about how she had him completely wrapped around her paw now as he sprinted to find her. Luckily he wasn't too far away and found her within a handful of minutes. He spotted her pale form- which wasn't nearly as clean and white as it was when she left. Worry shot through him and he skidded to a halt at her side. "What'd you get yourself into now?" he asked, slightly breathless from his sprint. His ruby gaze searched her for injuries and he dipped his head to lick away splattering of blood that was clinging to her cheek. Everything from their last meeting was set aside for a moment, all his focus setting on her.

And bring back the water, let your ships roll in, in my heart she left a hole