
Living in the shadows



9 Years
09-18-2016, 03:16 AM

The grin didn't leave his face as he turned to look at her, listening as she tried to explain herself a little more clearly on what she'd meant by her earlier comment. So it seemed that she, too, saw value in different strengths, not just brute force. As she got to the end of her words, his grin lifted a little higher. So, if she could find someone both strong and smart, she'd be all over that. "Ah, so you do see the benefit in smarts versus pure muscle," he rumbled, his tail flicking in amusement, "Good thing I've got a little of both." He would leave his remark at that, for the moment. Although confident in his abilities, sometimes arrogantly so, he was not exactly one to boast. He never wanted to be like one of those wolves that had a big mouth, with nothing to back it up - although, if he were to ever brag about something, one could bet he'd back it up. Fear was not a word in his repertoire, and he had not a cowardly bone in his body.

When she began to grin at his question of what she did as a rogue, he perked with interest. She was not a boring lady, so he was sure she had something in store to meet his question with. She stood and stretched as she spoke, eyeing him as her back arched and her tail curved high over her back. She made further hints about her interests, her silver eyes expressive. He took several steps in her direction again, his muscular shoulders rippling as enthusiasm began to overtake him, completely replacing his formerly sullen mood - sure, he'd lost his home, but that didn't mean that everything was over. "Well, I'll have you know, I might just be your man," he rumbled, standing close to her as his silver eyes roamed over her fiery red coat again, "I may not have a home right now... but that's going to change soon. It won't be long before I'm a man in power, with my own territory claimed." Luckily, he'd had some good input from friends before now, particularly the mottled gray gypsy, whose opinion had inspired him the most. But now, hearing that a stranger might consider joining a pack under just the right circumstances, he was feeling ready to take on that challenge more than ever. It would be a big role to fill, but he'd yearned for this kind of power for most of his life, and now was the best time to take his chance.

"So, what do you say you give me a chance?" he coaxed her, taking another small step toward her as he closed in on her personal space, "If I don't meet your standards, you can dump me, no strings attached. But I don't think I'll fail to impress." He smirked, winking a silver, blue-flecked eye at her as his tail waved high. He liked her spunky attitude, and so far she was brutally honest and seemed fun-loving as well. Yet at the same time, although clearly independent, perhaps rather dominant in nature, it sounded like she'd be orderly under the right leadership, and he knew he could fulfill that. He didn't intend to tame her, but he could certainly guide her fiery spirit into something that would suit her well.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]